The Secret To Financial Freedom: Don't Eat Your Seeds Rather Sow Them

in #hive-17687411 months ago


What I refer to as seed in this context is money you get that should be invested to yield more money. Fruit are the money we get we can spend on ourselves. Read on to find out more.

I once heard a story from my dad of a businessman he knew quite well and whose business was prospering then. But the said businessman, much of his gains as a businessman was spent in the acquisition of pleasures and comforts. After a while his business took a turn for the worse and had to get liquidated. One of the reasons his business failed being that he didn't invest enough of his profits as a businessman back into his business or other gainful enterprises. There's another similar story of a footballer, former arsenal player, Serge Gnabry, who found good fortune in the game of football. The wages was good and he spent lavishly on himself and neither saved nor invested. His mum counselled him otherwise, but he ignored her. Soon injuries forced his soccer career to come to a sudden end. He lost his wealth and had to rely on his parents. He only learnt his lesson and heeded his mother's advice after he got back to his soccer proffesion playing for Bayern Munich. 

The time you find out that a lot of money is coming to you, your first natural reaction would be to go on a spending spree and get all sorts of pleasant things for yourself. Have the best of food and drinks, wear costly clothes, acquire cozy mansions and flashy cars. Don't give in to that persuasion. 

The Only Way To Retain Wealth


When it is well with you financially, the only way to retain your wealth is to put your money to work to bring you more money. Because your large amount of money will eventually be completely spent and if it doesn't yield you more money you would end up broke and penniless. That's when we refer to money as seed. When you are investing it it's like you are sowing it like a seed to yield more to you. 

Don't Sow In A Barren Soil

Like a good farmer who ensures that his farmland is suitable for planting before he plants, you should conduct adequate research on an project you want to invest your money in. When you don't do enough research and you eventually put your money in investments that are not profitable, then you have sown your seeds on a barren soil. If necessary contact professionals to help you decide which investments to put your money into. 

Suffer Now And Rejoice Tomorrow

When you are ignoring spending your money on pleasures and comforts and rather investing it in gainful enterprises, you are enduring difficulty in the present. And when your investment efforts yield fruit you will forget all the pain of the past and have joy. 

When your investment start yielding fruit all the pains you took to invest will be quickly forgotten. But if you do it the other way round, your period of enjoyment when you spend your money extravagantly will quickly be forgotten when your wastefulness holds you to ransome. 

Be Patient Till The Time Of Harvest Comes

Just like a good farmer after preparing the soil and sowing his seeds, he exercises patience till the time of harvest arrives, so should you when you invest your resources. Being impatience not only will make you back out of a promising investment opportunity, but it can make you fall prey to get-rich-quick scams. 

A good example of this are investors in the crypto space. In those early days of bitcoin, stories have been told of HOLDlers who got impatient and sold off their bitcoin stock only for its price to appreciate much later and leave them in regrets. So when investing, you need the virtue of patience. 

Avoid Greediness 

Greediness is a vice you should keep at arms length when making financial investments. It can make you vulnerable to investment scams or make you invest more than you can afford to lose, which is a law of financial investments that should never be broken. 


In conclusion I want to say that this piece of financial advice may not mean much to you now but can cause you tons of regrets tomorrow. Remember, your fortunes are in your hand and you should not live by chance not doing anything and waiting for the situations to change for the better. That may not happen that's why you need to take charge of your destiny and be intentional about your success, especially your financial success. 


Thanks for reading. Till we meet again. God bless and Hive on. 



In an era of sound money, one could rely on savings retaining their value, or even increasing over time. It is only now in the world of fiat where we need to earn a return to just stay afloat.

It is true that wealth is built slowly, and deferred gratification is essential. Saving is good. Investment is good. But the foundation is a good budget. Know what you have, and how it is being used. Only then can further steps be taken.

I would suggest care in constructing your post. It is no crime to be less than fluent in English as a second language, but the prose is oddly stilted, and your word choice is peculiar. What tools are you using to help edit? I do give credit for citing the image source, because that is always the best practice for any content you don't create yourself.

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Investing wisely is the only way that leads to making more money

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