Why we care so much about their life?

in #hive-17357511 days ago

Another interesting story that happen in my country is about the conflict that has been going on between a celebrity mother with her only daughter. It has been going on for sometimes, but I am not really sure how it still circulating, and why people have so much time on their hand to care that much about them. and the problem is that the mother was once a public enemy because of the way she behaved, that is not go along with the religious teachings that most of people follow. She dressed so openly, don't hesitate to show his vulgar lifestyle especially her free sexual life was frowned upon in this country. And she is also known to be bad-mouthed, speak so harshly.

But now, when her daughter revolts and goes against her mother's wish on her life, all of a sudden now she become a hero. A good mother who wants the best for her daughter, despite how bad is her own behavior. I mean, doesn't the apple will fall closer to the tree?


I have seen so many posts on X or Instagram about the case, and how people have so much time to debate this issue. Make a lengthy post, on how the daughter should be grateful for what the mother is doing for her. I mean, we don't really know the true case, of what happening behind the camera that we will never know.

how can you spend your time defending someone's actions, who has no connection to you or even care for what you are doing? Shouldn't one take note of that, and learn from the case, so that they could be doing better in their own family? reflecting on the actions that they do towards the family, rather than spending time making lengthy posts about them.

I don't follow the case that closely, but so fun to see how people react to that. Because I have the issue that I need to resolve in my life, than to spend much of my time to care about them. Otherwise they are my close relatives, or someone near me, and there is crime action is involved, than I will more likely to worry about myself. Or did it make sound like a hypocrite person?


It is good to mind your business.But, if need be, you can help them as well.

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As I grew older,I have learnt alot in life.
Alot of things are not necessary.
Life is simple,relax and just focus on yourself.
Fighting and arguing over someone else's case isn't it at all.

we just need to keep pur nose to ourself, don't need to sniff around.
it is their life, we don't have much control over them, if in case we want to take a look, we should learn form their case so we won't have the same thing in the future.
other than that, nothing is necessary.

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