Dragon element is one of the standard elements that is available in the Splinterlands game. With the unique abilities of the monsters under this element, they also support the other elements that will help in your battle strategy.
For this week's Share Your battle Challenge created by the Splinterlands team, they feature the use of dragon element monsters for the Splinterlands community by sharing their unique strategies on winning their battle.
I would like to share my battle that I did after I claimed my end of season rewards. The chosen monsters in the battle is under the guide of the Silver ranking, and I choose to do an all out dragon element monsters on my field for the fun of doing so.
Here is the featured battle of mine.
- Equalizer: The initial health of all the monsters in the field is equal to the monsters with the highest health in either teams.
- 99 mana battle.
Because the mana given in this battle is in the max level, I wanted to choose all the monsters in the Dragon elements with the highest mana available from my rented cards to summon and they are mostly legendary cards. Most of the monsters with the highest mana are magic monsters so I decided to choose the Delwyn Dragonscale as my summoner giving +1 magic damage to all my magic monster summons.
For the first position, I choose Robo-Dragon Knight as my tank. It has a stats of 4 melee, 3 speed, 8 armor, and 9 health. It reduces the magic damages it receives, and nullifies the first attack damage it receives from the enemy. It also pierces the armor leading for the remaining damage to go into the health of the enemy target.
Second position is the Diamond Dragon. It has a stats of 2 magic, 3 speed, 10 armor, and 6 health. It reduces the speed of the enemy monsters, and removes the debuff from the allied first position monster. It is a good reserve tank because of its high armor stat, and has a high chance of evading the melee and range attack of the enemy.
Chaos Dragon is in the third position. It has a stats of 3 magic, 3 speed,4 armor, and 10 health. it randomly attacks an enemy target and causes damage to the adjacent monsters of the target enemy in the field, has a high chance of evading melee and range attacks.
Fourth position is the Gold Dragon. It has a stats of 3 magic, 3 speed, and 8 health. It has a high chance of evading the melee and range attacks, and has the capability to heal itself, and has a high chance of evading melee and range attacks.
Fifth position is the Black Dragon. It has a stats of 2 damage, 2 speed, and 4 health. It also reduces the speed of the enemy, collects a health stat once the damage to the enemy is received, and has a high chance of evading melee and range attacks.
Last position is the Dragon Jumper. It has a stats of 4 melee, 5 speed, and 6 health. It can attack the target monsters from any positions, has a high chance of evading melee and range attacks, and nullifies the fly ability of the target enemy.
In this battle, we both choose to focus in using magic as our main damage. The only difference is that the level of the opponent's monsters are under the Bronze guide while my chosen monsters are under the Silver guide which give me an advantage in terms of stats and the abilities given to the monsters.
The first to attack in this round is the Dragon Jumper by attacking the Mycelic Slipspwan followed by the Diamond Dragon attacking the enemy first position monster. The Chaos Dragon attacks the Goblin Psychic giving damage to the targets adjacent monsters. The Gold Dragon attacks the Mycelc Splispawn. The Regal Peryton attacks the Robo-Dragon Knight. The Robo-Dragon Knight defeated the Mycelic Slipspwan making the Wood Nymph the first position monster. The Oaken Behemoth attacks the Robo-Dragon Knight twice. The Wood Nymph heals itself then attacks the Robo-Dragon Knight. To end this round, the Goblin Psychic heals the Wood Nymph then attacks the Robo-Dragon Knight.
The Dragon jumper starts this round again by attacking the Goblin Psychic. The Diamond Dragon attacks the Wood Nymph followed by the Chaos Dragon attacking the same monster and causing damage to the adjacent target monsters. Gold Dragons attacks also the Wood Nymph. Regal Peryton attacks the Robo-Dragon Knight. The Robo-Dragon Knight attacks defeats the Wood Nymph Making the Goblin Psychic the first position monster. Black Dragon defeats the Goblin Psychic. oaken Behemoth attacks the Robo-Dragon Knight. Mushroom Seer defeats the Robo-Dragon Knight making the Diamond Dragon the first position monster in the field.
The Dragon Jumper attacks the Mushroom Seer. Chaos Dragon defeats the Mushroom Seer removing the silence debuff, making the Oaken Behemoth the first position monster in the field. Diamond Dragon attacks the Oaken Behemoth. The Gold Dragon also attacks the Oaken Behemoth. The Regal Peryton attacks the Diamond Dragon. Black Dragon attacks the Oaken Behemoth. Oaken Behemoth attacks the Diamond Dragon twice.
Final round starts with Dragon Jumper defeating the Oaken Behemoth making the Regal Peryton the first position monster in the field and defeated instantly by the other monsters in the field.
My strategy in this battle worked efficiently. With the enemy choosing to summon Oaken Behemoth which has the highest health stat in the field, all my monsters acquired the same health thanks to the ruleset giving me the chance to win in the battle. I fully utilized the mana available in the battle which consist of high mana monsters while the opponent is in the lower mana summons. While we both choose to focus on the magic damage, thanks to my melee dragon monsters, they contributed enough damage to make path for me to win in the battle.
Dragon element monsters will always be one of the cards that I will rent whenever I wanted to play the game. It has a good interaction to the other elements, and because of its huge mana cost, it is good to use in high mana battle like the one I shared today which fully utilizes the abilities given to each monsters that will lead to your victory in different strategical battles.
Thank you for reading my blog. I hope that you have learned something from this battle. Wishing you all to have a satisfying rewards in your upcoming battles.
- Featured images is from the Splinterlands game.
- Blog text divider is from @rqr4
- Animated text divider is from animatedglittergraphics-n-more
- Image thumbnail created in Canva.
- Balthazar Guild is looking for 5000 scholars, and you could be one of those. Join their discord to known more about the details for their scholarship application.
- The guild also teams up with the Splinterlands team to open $1M Dollars worth of Chaos Legion edition NFT's that will be used for the scholars to help in their daily battles.