Beyond The Surface.

in #hive-1707986 months ago

"Wow, she's so beautiful," I whispered under my breath as my eyes stumbled on Tina, a student at the fashion school I enrolled in the first day I walked into the class.


For some reason, I've known extremely beautiful people to be full of themselves—maybe not all, but most of them I've encountered are either snubs or very arrogant because the beauty gets into their heads, and so I decided not to get close to Tina because of my experience with others.

"Hey, welcome to our fashion school; my name is Tina." She introduced herself to me with a very beautiful and wide smile. "Hmmm, am I wrong?" I soliloquized before I uttered, "I am Amie, and it's nice to meet you." I replied and hurried off to pick a seat as my first fashion class was about to commence.

After class, Tina walked up to me yet again and said, "I hope you enjoyed the lesson. If you're in doubt or need any form of assistance, don't hesitate to call my attention, okay?" She gave me a tap on my back and started packing up her bags.

I stood for a minute to understand why Tina was quite different from other extremely beautiful girls I've ever met, and then I guess she caught me lost in thought: "What's wrong? Why are you standing there? Is there a problem?" She asked with a very soft tone, "You're so free-spirited, and I am quite puzzled, haha." I replied while I began to pack my bags.

"Oh, why are you puzzled? Isn't it normal to be nice to people even though you're just meeting them for the first time?" Her question endeared me so much to her: "Hmmm, it's normal, but some people are just mean, especially if they think they know it all or have good looks." I said sinking; her vibe was just contagious.

"Oh, I think I know where you're headed. Come off it, Amie. I don't care if I am just meeting anyone for the first time; I am just a person who loves to help others, and my looks don't get into my head at all." She chuckled, and that was how we became friends the very first day.

It's funny how we just clicked that day like we'd known each other for a while. Other students were quite surprised, too. I asked her how she knew so much about fashion on the first day of assumption: "I came for an upgrade; my aunt used to be a fashion designer, but she relocated, so I just want to brush up my skills." I was also impressed by her determination. "Wow, that sounds nice."

Gradually, we began to bond very well. Tina would talk to me like she'd known me for years, and that made my stay at my fashion school so fun and memorable.


She had a very beautiful smile, was very generous, and was well-mannered. Over time, we began to share our passion for arts and crafts, honing each other's skills in fashion design and challenging each other with difficult styles unlike other of my colleagues who would hoard what they know, Tina was exceptionally kind and amiable.

Tina was so free-spirited that before a month I could tell so much about her, and I came to love her so much, which also proved that some people are not just physically beautiful but also beautiful inside out, and I changed how I view extremely beautiful people.

If you're kind, you're kind, regardless of your looks, talent, ability, or any other achievement.




I can relate to this miss @amiegeoffrey. I also meet someone whom I got intimated at her on the first meet because on my part, she will not gonna treat me nice because I am not of her level (she's perfect) but I was wrong, she has purest heart after getting along with her. It's true that there are people who are physically beautiful and more than that from within.

It's not like I was intimidated by her looks it's just that I was surprised to see a different breed of beautiful. I feel it's wrong to judge people by their cover and I learned amd very glad I met her.

Some people look mean but they are the kindest of all haha.

Thanks for your feedback.

This, I think is a surprise because just the way you had said it, those who are beautiful always feel pompous and arrogant. I think this one is different, you know.

Yeah, she is different. Thanks for the feedback.

I love people like Tina who are free-spirited and kind to others.

Thank you for stopping by.

It's so true that we can judge people by their looks — including making the assumption that beautiful people are not going to be kind, having been spoiled by attention to their appearance. Nicely told, @amiegeoffrey.

Thanks for having me.

There is more to life than physical attributes, it's always good for one to be humble regardless of looks.

honing each other's skills in fashion design and challenging each other with difficult styles

This shows that the relationship was mutually beneficial to both parties and if she was the type that feels too big because of beauty, she would definitely have missed out of these benefits.

This is so true, thank you for coming around.

That's why we don't judge a book by it's cover, I'm glad y'all bonded. I love seeing women befriend themselves 😍

I love that too❤❤

The types of Tina are the best people I love meeting, I like easy going people. Also people who are nice even though they haven't met you before. Thank you for sharing! 💜

Oh, thank you for reading.❤

Wow. If you are kind, you are kind regardless of your looks....

That is really awesome.

So beauty or handsomeness does not determines who is kind.

Thank you

So true, thanks for stopping by.

Tina is sure a great person with how friendly she acts towards you on your first day at the fashion house.

Sometimes we judge a book by its cover, only to find out we are wrong in the end.


Yeah, we are wrong to judge a book by its cover. Thanks for visiting.

It's actually surprising to see someone as humble as Tina is. From her approach to you , it was quite clear how unique she is; so easy going and friendly. Her lovely vibe made your stay in the fashion school memorable 🥰.


Yeah, and I am so glad I came in contact with her, thank you for visiting.

It usually seems like the really pretty ones will be full of themselves. I'm glad she proved you wrong and began a lasting bond. Beautiful piece!✨


Thank you.❤

Much is said about internal beauty and it is absolutely true. There are wonderful people who lack physical beauty, but have a pure and sincere heart towards others. A beautiful experience with a great message.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
Good day.

Oh yeah, that's right, thanks for stopping by.