Hello, fellow Hivers! Here is another day to enjoy life with you. Upon knowing that the Motherhood Community has its weekly challenge, and it is all about the “Thank You, Child, Weekly Challenge.” I am eager to participate then since it involves our child. I am very excited to extend my heartfelt thanks to our son for choosing us as his parents through this blog. Indeed, our children are one of our strengths and at the same time one of our weaknesses. But come what may, there is a great need for us to stay strong and to fight against whatever silent battles we have just for them and to the benefit of all.
Way back then, I became a mom when I was at the age of 27. I am humbled to say that I am fully prepared to become a mother at that time emotionally, psychologically, and financially (with God’s grace). For me, becoming a mother is a great challenge that is why there is a need for us women to prepare everything before it will happen. I am also thankful to my husband for always being there whatever happened. He did his best to counterpart everything that was needed.
I would like to start this letter by saying “I AM THE PROUDEST MOM TO HAVE YOU, MY SON.” The moment you were conceived in my womb never in my entire pregnancy that you were clingy. Everything made its way smoothly, I never went through morning sickness, needs to eat a specific food, was afraid to take a bath, or even looked untidy, and don’t care how I look at all never happened. From there, I said to myself how lucky and thankful I am to become your mom.
I am expecting that in February there’s a very expensive parcel coming. When it was on the 14th, cupid told me that a week from now that parcel will arrive. I was so excited then, but I can’t deny the fact that as a first-time handler of this parcel I had this fear of how it goes. Was the delivery boy will come on time or he might be delayed? Guess what? Indeed, he came on time (Hooray!). My dear son, thank you so much for not holding too long to come out. You never let mommy suffer so much pain from being in labor. From what I’ve known that during this stage, you can feel indescribable pain. It turned out the other way around; it only took 4 hours in labor and two pushes for you to be out. Thank God above all, we were both safe.
As a first-time mom, I am open to any suggestions made by my friends or my elders at home. I listen to them as to what to do and not what to do. My dear son, you put me into shock that when you were one month old you started to smile at us. Wow! I am amazed and thankful that at such an age there’s already a development happening in you (so quickly). You made mommy so proud; many people want to tease you because you made them laugh.
As time went on, you never failed to amaze us, you can do tummy time on your own and eventually can sit down at the age of 6 months. During this month, I bought you some educational toys. I am a keen observer of you my son, there’s in you that is so unique and that is why I tried to introduce to you as early as it seems the flashcards where there are letters with pictures are in there in every letter. I never expect that when you reached your 8th month you can distinguish the objects in the flashcards already. Later, you can name the letter in the alphabet as well. What a great milestone! I am indeed grateful for every achievement you have unlocked.
Thank you, Lord God, for another chapter in my son’s life. Where there were more things to be discovered and nurtured for. At this point, my son, you love building blocks, can identify colors and shapes, and put them into their designated shapes on a particular wooden toy you have. I was so speechless that you can do it. All the credit and glory to Him. You have a special gift from God my dear. I am glad that you are my son (an amazing one).
Wait but there’s more, I am so pleased to know that you can identify and name the flags of the different 50 countries around the world. I don’t know where tomorrow brings you but for sure daddy and mommy are always at your side. We will give everything to you (Thy Will Be Done). All I’m asking from God is that He will give us good health every day because that’s what matters. No matter who and what you are, WE ARE ALWAYS PROUD OF YOU.”
We, as your parents are so blissful to have a son whom they called a “Mental Giant Child.” May you continue to be as good as you are and always remember to put your feet on the ground. God sees everything and He prepares something for you. I am more excited about your next venture in life my son. Don’t forget that there is Mommy and Daddy are always willing and able to do everything for you.
That’s all for my weekly challenge my dear beautiful people of the hive. My sincerest thank you to you all for the unfailing support you’ve shown. May my letter to my son inspires you to become a mother too. May God bless us all. See you on my next blog. Sending you my virtual hugs. Love, Love, Love.