Oh HIVE why do I adore thee
I regularly attend a weekly meetup known as KCWeb3. We are a growing group of technologists, deveolopers, investors, traders, philosphers, artists and ectera who are growing our knowledge over web3 technologies. This week I gave a presentation over SocialFi, and it evolved into a conversation about HIVE.
HIVE opened my eyes to web3
I was really able to visualize web3 through HIVE. During my presentation, I displayed my HIVE blog on multiple platforms, including leofinance, peakd and hive.blog. I explained how the seperation of the back end from the front is how web3 is defined; anyone can query the blockchain for the data. All of this started to make sense to me with HIVE; its almost like its as if HIVE is really what defines web3 for me internally in a sense.