“Just as physical exercise is essential for a healthy body, mental exercise is also essential for the mind”
The human brain is the most important part of the human body, it is where all information is stored and it is through which we make all our decisions on a daily basis. For this reason, the neglect of mental exercises can lead to bad choices in your personal and professional life, which hinders your growth in life.
So I leave here 2 mental exercises that anyone can do:
Reading encourages you to imagine things you've never seen, making you have past experiences in writing.
Writing allows you to argue about the subjects you think you know and in that you discover that your arguments are shallow or non-existent.
Meditating allows you to quiet your mind at a time when everyone is consuming too much information at the same time as none at all.
However, I cannot fail to warn that excessive exercise, whether mental or physical, can bring imbalance to other areas of life. A tired mind or body is not productive and can cause effects contrary to those intended with exercise.