I decided to take roller skates because of his success because he worked hard. We went to a famous sports shop. He didn't know I was going to buy him skates. When he entered the store, he started to wonder and ask questions. We entered the skate section. "Or else," he said. I said yes. You can choose whatever you want and try it. You worked hard for a year. You have made me very happy with the success you have worked for. That's why I want to make you happy, delight and pamper you. When I said what I wanted, Joy started screaming around. The glint of Joy in his eyes was priceless. After trying several models out there, we chose one and bought it. He said he wanted to move from work to home. I left my daughter with my parents. He had tried roller skates right away. He called me on video call from home.
He took it to the patent park so he could learn better with my dad. He learned to skate right away. They couldn't stand the excitement and came to me. He came to my office and showed me how to use roller skates. It was successful in lasting as well. He learned to drive right away. The joy was evident in his eyes. He couldn't stay where he was sitting that day because of his excitement. He even helped me with my work at work to thank me ๐คฃ.
When my daughter is happy, I am very happy too. As long as my daughter makes me proud, my feet don't touch the ground.
Merhaba arkadaลlar.
Sizleri รถzledim. Gรถrรผลmeyeli uzun zaman oldu. รzel ailevi nedenlerden dolayฤฑ ara vermek zorunda kaldฤฑm. Ama ลu an geri dรถndรผm. Sizlere dรถnรผลรผm muhteลem oldu. Dolu dolu geldim. Paylaลacaฤฤฑm o kadar gรผzel ลeyler var ki. Paylaลmak iรงin sabฤฑrsฤฑzlanฤฑyorum. Kฤฑzฤฑmฤฑn yaz tatili baลladฤฑ. Karnesi sรผperdi. Bir yฤฑl iรงinde รงok yoฤun รงalฤฑลtฤฑ. Sรผrekli benden paten istiyordu.
Bende รงok รงalฤฑลtฤฑฤฤฑ iรงin baลarฤฑsฤฑndan dolayฤฑ paten almaya karar verdim. รnlรผ bir spor maฤazasฤฑna gittik. Ona paten alacaฤฤฑmฤฑ bilmiyordu. Maฤazaya girince merak edip sorular sormaya baลladฤฑ. Paten bรถlรผmรผne girdik. "Yoksa" dedi. Evet dedim. ฤฐstediฤini seรงip deneyebilirsin. Bir yฤฑl boyunca รงok emek verdin. รok รงalฤฑลtฤฑn almฤฑล olduฤun baลarฤฑlarla beni รงok mutlu ettin. Bu nedenle ben de seni mutlu etmek, sevindirip ลฤฑmartmak. ฤฐstediฤimi sรถyleyince etrafta Sevinรง รงฤฑฤlฤฑklarฤฑ atmaya baลladฤฑ. Gรถzlerindeki Sevinรง ฤฑลฤฑltฤฑsฤฑ paha biรงilemezdi. Orada birkaรง model denedikten sonra bir tanesini seรงti ve satฤฑn aldฤฑk. ฤฐล yerinden eve geรงmek istediฤini sรถyledi. Kฤฑzฤฑmฤฑ annemlere bฤฑraktฤฑm. Hemen patenleri denemiลti. Beni gรถrรผntรผlรผ olarak evden aradฤฑ.
Babamla daha iyi รถฤrenebilmesi iรงin patent parkฤฑna gรถtรผrmรผล. Paten sรผrmesine hemen รถฤrenmiล. Heyecandan dayanamayฤฑp yanฤฑma geldiler. Benim iล yerime gelip bana pateni nasฤฑl kullandฤฑฤฤฑnฤฑ gรถsterdi. Bayaฤฤฑ da sรผrmesi baลarฤฑlฤฑydฤฑ . Sรผrmesini hemen รถฤrenmiล. Sevinci gรถzlerinde belliydi. O gรผn heyecanฤฑndan oturduฤu yerde duramฤฑyordu. Bana teลekkรผr etmek iรงin iล yerimdeki benim iลlerime yardฤฑmcฤฑ bile oldu ๐คฃ.
Kฤฑzฤฑm mutlu oldukรงa ben de รงok mutlu oluyorum. Kฤฑzฤฑm beni gururlandฤฑrdฤฑฤฤฑ sรผrece ayaklarฤฑm yere deฤmez.