It pays to write on Hive, not to promote Hive

in #hive-167922last year

Just think about it.

I am a content creator on Hive, a fairly successful one. I don't get $40 in rewards on every single publication I make. Some of them go semi viral inside our little ecosystem and the rewards end up being nice, some other posts I put out don't get even a single comment, but overall I do fine for myself, I can't complain. After all, if I make on any given week a couple dozen dollars after curation taxes and hive power rewards, that's more than enough to sustain myself and even save some money considering the type of economy I live in.

I don't have a lot of Hive Power, I've had to power down and sell my bag a couple of times and I've had to start from zero. I don't have a lot of Hive Power because I can't afford to stack or let my tokens sit in my wallet, generating me a nice 10-20% APY just by consuming content.

I depend on my Hive rewards. Hive is my main income. Hive is my job. It doesn't affect me if the price of Hive goes up or down, or at least not in the way I understand it affects me, because after all, the price of Hive doesn't influence the way I see the ecosystem. As long as I generate post rewards and I don't have to worry about what will happen the next month in my house, I am completely fine.

If the price of Hive goes up or down, it's all the same to me, I don't even own enough Hive to consider a 10x a life changing profit making, or to deem a -90% price drop a severe harm to my net worth. After all, I have no skin in the game and there's little to no incentive for me to promote the Hive Blockchain to the masses.

Isn't that like, a job for a Marketing Expert and the DAO? As a plankton, there's not much I can do for adoption, and even if there was, I wouldn't do it. What for?

Or think about this

I am a proficient writer on the blogging side of Hive. I have my circle of friends who support my content and I do the same for theirs. We do very well for ourselves. I understand tokenomics and crypto to a point where I see the value of holding and stacking Hive, and I know enough about economics and finance to know that hedging against FIAT through a currency like $HIVE is a good bet, or at least I've read about it enough times from well respected authors that I've come to adopt the same philosophy.

I don't need the post rewards. I am growing my bags through Hive Power and maybe even through HBD, or maybe I use the HBD to diversify; after all, that term in crypto is very popular and I understood it perfectly to a point where I've adopted it. Either way, I don't need to sell the crypto I earn through my well written, highly supported and a little bit circle jerked content that some times might be pretty good and some times it might not be, but no matter, I will still make my fair share of rewards that I may or may not deserve.

Life is good, my side hustle, the one that will work for me in ten years is going great, my bags are only getting bigger. The bull market will come and the 10x on $HIVE will come.

But there's little to no incentive for me to promote the Hive Blockchain and the blogging side of our ecosystem, that's up to the Dapps and the witnesses and those with a huge, life changing stake, I'm just a small investor that understands Blockchain, Finance and Investing to a degree.

Besides, why would I want competition? My posts are already doing amazingly well and there's no incentive for me to promote the Blockchain. Why would I waste time doing that if I am already stacking a ton of Hive on a daily basis? One day, that stack will be worth 10 or 20 times what it's worth today and I'll retire. In the meantime, I have my well paying job, my good life and this is just my side gig. I am a visionary for thinking like this.

Or just think about this

I am a fucking whale on Hive. I defend the Blockchain and it is up to me to decide what is good, bad or ugly for the blockchain. I don't publish articles because that is for plebeians and the proletariat. I just curate and I enjoy my curation rewards, which ultimately mean nothing to me because I am filthy rich and the 50 Hive I make per day don't even make a dent on my net worth, which by the way it is 100 times more than my Hive net worth.

Promote Hive?

No, that's for the masses. I am already doing my part by investing and holding. If I sell the ecosystem could crumble for a while, my part of the equation is covered by me not disrupting the market, defending the reward pool by distributing it as I consider it best, and I already do a lot in terms of curation and inflation distribution.

Let the middle class to the hard work, the manual work, the promotion work.

I understand the benefits of mass adoption and how it will affect the price of Hive if we somehow 10x our userbase in a month but honestly, I have a lot more profitable things to do than to promote my pretend money playground in web2.

This wasn't a jab at anyone, I just freewrite and vomit my thoughts and some times I compose good posts, some times I don't, but believe me, I just imagined three characters and added every stereotype there is in crypto, and then described them in first person.

But to be completely honest, I don't think those three depictions are far from the truth, a harsh and raw one, in our Blockchain. A Blockchain that is one of the best out there, with a Tech that could compete with any Top chain, a community that could kick the butt of any other in the space, and a decentralization and tokenomics that should have put us at the top 20 in terms of Market Cap to say the least.

And yet, we are not getting adopted.

A personality on Twitter asked this simple question: Who's building decentralized reddit?

Only a handful of people from Hive replied. Then @starkerz from 3speak asked...

Why isn't anyone from Hive replying to this dude? Why are we not promoting Hive to the masses?

Well, perhaps the answer is in this post above.

Perhaps there's little to no incentive apart from mass adoption that will eventually bring a spike in price. But that's too riddle-y to take into account by the average user.

If there are no concrete benefits, then it doesn't benefit me.

It's like the known example about the people who stash their cash under their mattress, thinking their money will be safe there, completely unaware that inflation will eat up the value of that stashed cash. Because if they keep their money safe, their financial well being will be ensured.

Wen incentives to promote Hive?

A little while ago we had a campaign on Leo Finance, where we put 10k USD from our own pocket - the dapp's pocket, not mine, of course, I don't have that kind of money - and encouraged our users (we call ourselves Lions) to promote Leo Finance to the masses on web2, particularly Twitter, Youtube and Medium.

Those users who wanted a piece of those 10k USD, had to become sort of viral on any of these platforms to become eligible to get a slice of the cake.

400k views on Twitter about Leo content

In less than a fortnight, the Lions managed to get more than four hundred thousand views on Twitter.

The topic? Leo Finance, simple as.

26 Lions achieved more than 10k views on their Leo-related Tweets, some of them even got over 20k views.

Why? Because there was an incentive to promote Leo.

There's a huge post I'm preparing, that I should've published like three weeks ago, about the successes and failures from the most recent Leo Finance adoption campaign, this is just a glance of what it achieved.

But if 10k USD achieved this, I wonder what we could achieve if we allocated a part of the rewards pool to web2 promotion.

@acidyo tried this with #posh and it was going amazingly before Twitter came up with outrageous fees to ride their APIs, so this is now in a hiatus until further notice, but a handful of people gave him a hand and/or supported the project. But iamgine what would've happened if the three stereotypes I listed above have had noticed the initiative and supported it, and even better, imagine if the community had jumped on board with this initiative, where would we be as an ecosystem?

The @spknetwork is also trying to encourage Hivers to share content on web2. @theycallmedan and @starkerz have a weekly podcast called the @cttpodcast, and anyone who shares their content on web2 can get some nice incentives. Now imagine this but on every single dapp and community, encouraged by the very same communities, dapps and curation guilds on hive?

It's not too late to start promoting our Hive content on web2 but...

Wen incentives to promote Hive?

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Well, it's good to see some honesty every now and then with the whole idea of promotion and adopting HIVE. There's a lot of communities around here helping to put businesses on the HIVE map and else and it seems they have some direct connection to get some funding for these campaigns. Besides, there hasn't been an idea with direct rewards better than the one done with LeoFinance. But if we'll ever see something like that in the nearby future is yet to be seen.

There are indeed many communities doing that and kudos to them, now imagine what would happen if we decided to allocate a share of the reward pool to those communities and initiatives!

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

It would make total sense. They're doing the heavy work for the adoption of the Hive Coins.

You are a good writer and a whale that enjoy the support of your friend circle and you help them too.

Do you promote Hive? Yes, To me because I really get updated and latest orientations from you. Your role at just concluded campaign will never be over emphasis. You are kind and considerate. Thanks

Hey Sam! I don't think you read the whole post, but thanks for the comment! I am not a whale and I definitely try to not engage in circle jerking (which is definitely not an issue as of late like it was back in the Shteem days) to a point where I am delegating all my Leo Power and I had until recently, delegate all my Hive Power to @leo.voter haha, thanks for the comment though :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

The incentive is not a problem when as a community we decided to do it, but how to incentives hive promoters that the problem we have to think about this first

Easy, let's allocate a share of the reward pool to web2 content sharing

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

Just had another thought ... what would it take to write the proposal for the DAO to do that? How much would it take? How complete would the business and marketing plan need to be?

I make on any given week a couple dozen dollars

And you can sustain yourself on a couple of dozen dollars per week? Where do you live and can you get bandwidth there?

Posted using Proof of Brain

I don't think you read the whole post fren, that was just a hypothetical situation as an intro to my post, but I do know that for some Hive users from some 3rd world countries, twelve dollars a week make a difference to their lifestyle.

That represents my monthly salary twice. Hivestats reports that I made about 27 HBD this month, a huge and critical financial source to face the current inflation here in Cuba. Good post this. We have a lot of work to do for Hive; it deserves it.

It is winter in the southern hemisphere. Tempt me some more, and I might be your neighbor in the future.

Definitely some truth in this statement!

This has to be one of the most honest post I have seen around here, no sugar coating just the real raw truth. I appreciate your honesty and some of the things you pointed out resonates with me.

Thank you so much for sharing😃
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( ojsuarez2 ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.

It's crazy to know that you can support yourself on your Hive income. I don't think I could pay a single bill of mine here in Los Angeles with Hive earnings. I mean, maybe the gas bill. Haha, I guess who knows since I've never actually taken the time to see how much I earn.

Does it, really? For some it does, for others does not 🤓

But in the end it pays to be on Hive in general, but it doesn't pay to promote Hive, no matter who you are :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

Te felicito de verdad por lograr tu éxito en la colmena eso deseo yo depender y trabajar en la colmena

The leofinance adoption campaign gave us a glimpse of the potential for marketing Hive on other social media platforms. I think people are a bit reluctant to do it individually. It's a different case with coordinated initiatives or programs. Even without a strong incentive, many will join and promote the blockchain.

There is indeed a lot of space to play around with if we manage to get some funds to promote Hive in a guerilla marketing kind of strategy!

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

Absolutely! I think that will be a great avenue to explore when it comes to promoting Hive to those that are in need of it.

Hello @anomadsoul, I am still waiting to be unblocked on leofinance discord and ask for a refund. Unfortunately, I was one of the members that got caught by the scam on 2nd June. Please can you assist? I did try sending Khal a message on discord but haven't heard back from him.

Hey man, thanks for writing to me, I'll unblock you from the server and please, send me a DM on discord!

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

Thank you @anomadsoul for responding. Will check Discord tomorrow morning and send you a DM.

Hi @anomadsoul , unfortunately unable to join the leofinance discord


Successful promotion of Hive also means that more money will flow into Hive. This makes Hive more valuable. So I don’t mind the competition.

Promotion on web2 is not even a thing to me because I don't even really exist in web2. My biggest group is Facebook, and that's just because FB is the de facto family contact app.

As far as promoting Hive on other networks, I believe the biggest incentive is to have a bigger pool of individuals to upvote your content. Can you imagine when up vote counts reach to the seven digit figures?

The Hive.Pizza team manually curated this post.

$PIZZA slices delivered:
@curation-cartel(1/20) tipped @anomadsoul

Join us in Discord!

Must be nice to be a Whale on curate cruise control.

$40!!! Can I join your circle jerk? I got lotion...

But ser, I only have 30k Hive, I am of no use for you, find someone richer. I'll take the lotion though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

I think a new way to finance projects on Hive is a good idea. The current method makes financing a project seem beyond the reach of small accounts who lack powerful friends.

:) do you know, how I found your post? it was in top3 in relevance for the search: 'dapps'...

the search engine is terrible, almost impossible to find any info in that. 9 out 10 result was from 2018, 2019. i supposed only 3speak is a video sharing dapps, and no streaming, turned out vimm has it... so the very basics are not really organized, made easy to find for new users.

back to the topic. I remember, I read one of your post about playing live poker on meetups, however nothing about poker on Hive. meantime online poker players have plenty time next to playing, while they are online. (poker is my thing, and really unbelievable, but its dead on hive.) streaming, blogging, reading, watching vids etc. one of the biggest poker forum (cardschat) has approx. 300k users and they gave away $200k every year. and most of them play for hobby, so there are plenty more relevant activities from them. also the twitch streamers/watchers. and nobody even try to reach them... (today i tried, got banned from all the forums within few hours, so obviously they exactly know the potential of Hive (for 300k users that yearly $200k is nothing, and 1000s are active everyday). Still not banned on twitch at the moment. discord also has dozens of poker communities with 1000s of users...) at least, there are some gamer activity on hive, but surprisingly low.

anyway, I'll try, and yes, maybe i will get banned another dozen times, who cares, dont use those anyway. I know 90%+ of any kind of poker players would pick Hive, they just dont know about it... i have my reason, because without poker community here, soon i will stop using the posting, commenting option and focus only to generate some rewards in other ways how many accounts, account networks do it.

and yes, i supposed, there are some full-time, part-time hired people or at least some new onboarding based reward system within those onboarding guys, what goes equailly to both parties. how i see not really. and i really get upset when i see the hive sponsored rally car... even if i dont know anything about that, but basic, common sense marketing yes. it's pretty far from the most important target audiance in any meaning.

the key would be the target audiance, whose could spread it simply by using hive, so give $10k for that 400k twitter views doesn't sound good for me, as a big chunk of that already knew about it and i haven't seen the spike in new account creations... (i know, it is not easy, today, i picked 5 relatively new poker streamer on twitch with small audiance, 4 sent me to hell, as they thought, it's some kinda scam, but the 5th checked out, and he said, he will try, and considered better option for new streamers as the audiance can get rewards, too... so still, it takes mainly time and effort, nothing else.)

getting long, hope you guys will find the way directly reach the most important audiance on other platforms. anyway, i don't know a single person, who still actively use twitter, telegram or facebook.. how about that? :)

If I got you the devs, would you be up to help run the project?

Lucksacks exist, but they never created an in-hive poker game (even if simple and barebones at the beginning).

Sure, I'm around the monitor almost all day, and play poker all the time. Actually, just a minute before i see your comment, I created a HivePoker community. Maybe, it's not clear for me, but Lucksacks isn't on the blockchain? Anyway, hosted/sponsored some freerolls half year ago there. 1 week ago tried to reach them, still didn't get any answer. i thought to create something similar what stayoutofhertz does with chess community.

Let me ask another question? is there any kind of delegation support, program for newly registered users? you know for the first 1-2 weeks, some small amount like 30-50HP? I tried to find any, but looks like nothing.


After 3 weeks, I just got this answer from lucksacks:

If you find someone that is willing to take the reins of finding hosts and handling payouts and getting funding for devs or that know PHP, then have them get in contact with myself (no DM's plez) in here or GuiltyParties.

I don't see any reason why it couldn't be something like the HiveChess community (just bigger), it could work in a similar way. Once again, I have the time for general daily duties around this, but I don't know any devs, nor oldtimers here. If you know anybody who would be interested in it, forward it to them, please.

Hey can you send me a DM pls?

There are many types of Hiver and a lot of them think it's up to someone else to promote the platform. Even bringing in a couple more people can help as they may tell others. I think we will grow in certain niches for now. Communities in places like Cuba and Venezuela will spread the word and they have more to gain.

Promotion incentives would help, but who will put up the funds? It does seem the Leo crowd are doing more than most with Threads being very active.

Somehow we need to reach a critical mass where people have enough friends or fans here to make it worth posting just for the engagement. The rewards are a bonus. I know some are getting disillusioned with the corporate platforms and we need to exploit that.

The snowball effect that bringing a few users with the right mentality is huge. I know the mindset has changed already and we no longer promote Hive as a come for the rewards kind of platform, which is one of the biggest reasons for people to come but leave, because they were getting no rewards (because that's what they came for).

One of the scenarios I see unfolding is Hive becoming prominent and reign in certain countries like those you mention, and then all of us just hover around those communities. It wouldn't be bad, it would be a great start in my opinion.

Definitely, once people come in, bring their own people, and Hive becomes the place where they can create their little hub or space, then it will be a win. I wonder if there's a way to make a community private?

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

Making anything private here involves encrypting it. I guess it may be possible to have posts that are encrypted so that only certain accounts can access them, but it would need a new front end that could handle it.

I think the backend infra of LF actually allows the frontend to handle private communities, what say you @khaleelkazi


You have received a 1UP from @underlock!

The @oneup-cartel will soon upvote you with:
And they will bring !PIZZA 🍕.

Learn more about our delegation service to earn daily rewards. Join the Cartel on Discord.

Uncle AGGY will Make You RICH !!!

I think the most logical and painfree way to promote hive is using the screenshots on twitter. Like people make use of the twitter screenshots in their blog, hive, facebook etc. This promotes twitter. But if you want to promote hive, you use it and using the screenshots and it's visual parts in the images, it automatically promotes the Hive. In a way that we don't consciously do it but it gets promoted.

Wen to promote Hive? Wen incentives?

Maybe what Hive needs is a somewhat elaborate referral system that's not focused on just "getting signups" but is instead focused on relationship marketing, because whoever referred someone earns a couple of percent of each person's rewards for LIFE so it rewards those who not only persuade their actual friends/connects to join, but encourages you to encourage those people to stay active over time. Which, in turn, would require a usable and seamless internal person-to-person messaging system.

It has to be a system that's designed in such a way it focuses on rewarding those with mad network marketing skillz... and I know there are many, here in the Hive ecosystem.


!1UP Everything that has been mentioned is fact and I feel sad that I don't consider that I do enough to promote Hive. I have managed to bring in a few people but it is far from enough.

We all need to support the network and promote it on web 2 as best we can, either by commenting about the network on influencers' posts or by creating our own posts talking about the many benefits of publishing on Hive.

It's mad how quiet we are. As well as Splinterlands and Leo we may have a potential beast of a game from the Splinterlands crew in Genesis League Goals coming our way soon on Hive and there is bearly even a whisper on the socials or Hive for that matter. I think the Hive going to "A thousand dollars" ship has well sailed. Hive will only survive if the main Dapps gain traction. 2 have in Leo and Splinterlands but that's about it. We need more. I would be much happier if Hive used the DHF to fund further DAPP development such as giving LEO a dig out and also Splinterland than paying 10,000 HBD for a conference in Venezuela. Correct me if I am wrong but do these dapps receive any funding from the Hive pool?
At least we might see some bang for our buck with improved Dapps. Or better still hire a reputable marketing company to do our marketing for us instead of giving Mary from Somalia 10K to go off and buy a couple of t-shirts and caps for her friends and pose for a few photos in front of a table with some Hive pens while pocketing the rest. If I was the owners of platforms that are keeping Hive alive such as Leo and Splinterlands, I would not be a happy camper with how the funds are currently being allocated to questionable schemes. There are funds there to market Hive properly but the curse of decentralisation is that it will never be allocated correctly. So we are where we are. We attracted cryptofinally here once who has 200k followers on twitter but she got run out of here with pitchforks. We don't half make it hard for ourselves.

GLG made a "splash" with the whole Pump & Burn scandal. There is absolutely no marketing for this game. They chose the wrong sport to start with, it would have much easier to go straight for College Football, there's a built-in audience for it and the student-athletes are relentless marketers on social media. It may not be popular outside of the United States, but it is incredibly lucrative.

Splinterlands has no clear idea of their target market and when they did run a pretty decent campaign on Snapchat, the mobile UX wrecked conversions. The strategy of riding on Bitcoin's coattails without an understanding of how Beta works is alarming. The community is shrinking and the ecosystem is hurting. There has only been one fork of Splinterlands, Splinterforge, and there is a need for more forks and creativity to give the assets greater utility.

Leo has some interesting offshoots of activity beyond the blogging. The most potential still lies with LeoThreads, which if they want to gain traction, requires a name change desperately. Not everything has to be and have a look that is associated with Hive.Blog... which leads into Hive.

Hive has the following issues dragging it down:

  1. Hive needs to be the backbone, not the product. Right now, it's the product. This leads into far too much centralization.
  2. Hive is too centralized. There needs to be the freedom to create an Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, Twitch/Kick, Yelp, Medium, Substack, Soundcloud on this blockchain. Keep it all separated, it does not have to be this one overarching community.
  3. Communities/tribes that are mere copies of others and serve no purpose.
  4. Gatekeeping
  5. Virtue signaling and navel gazing. The first impression of what is on Hive is usually seeing articles that say how "Hive is the Future!!!" and various low quality templated articles that larger Hive holders deem to be good. Lots of talk, not a whole lot of action. Odd social responsibility PR articles that one would see from a corporation that few would actually read are also among the articles. It's a lot of self-congratulation.
  6. Try using a search engine and putting in "Hive", "Hive Blockchain", etc. It's sort of lost as there are established businesses with the name and association winning the SEO battle. Maybe a name change is in order.

But hey, what do I know, right?

It looks like you know more than 99% of this community and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

Honest and thought provoking. You are so right. The LeoFinance campaign was amazing and showed that marketing is effective. I always felt that Hive wants to grow organically but sometimes thing need a jolt but it depends on the goals. I am sure it is to grow the ecosystem but will it be a community by community or the ecosystem making a concerted effort. I guess we are yet to see.

I think that once we as dapps and projects stop thinking that we have to compete for the tiny userbase on Hive and work together towards the same goals, together we can reach mass adoption easily. But we keep creating stuff that caters to the inner, already existing audience instead of creating stuff that caters to the outside masses. Thanks for dropping by!

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

I would also like to reach the point of living off Hive, but I have a long road ahead. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Adding reward pool to promote Hive will sure drive traffic to Hive just as it did to the Leo with the campaign we did. I believe if those who have enough, I mean the whales and other people who may decide to help in the growth of Hive could join hands together to add rewards to the pool, this will make it more easier to promote Hive. For me, I am doing the little I can through sharing my posts and talking about the blockchain to those who are interested. I am hopeful this happens someday. My account is still struggling as I am doing my best to grow it. Lol

I have been giving a lot of thought to the promotion of Hive, not only for the reasons you mentioned, but also because, at this juncture, I find it difficult to perceive any tangible benefits in sharing my content on other social media platforms (with the exception of Twitter). However, I have been doing it consistently in order to promote myself and my content, as I want people to be aware of what I'm doing. Nevertheless, I often feel like I'm going at it alone.

What I believe is that this is the most effective way to promote Hive, yet it seems that hardly anyone is actually doing it. I have a bunch of friends from Hive on Facebook and other social media platforms, but I rarely see them sharing their content in their feeds. Even @dimeilaz, who has been on my friends list long before we embarked on this journey, isn't doing it. This begs the question: why? Perhaps there is no real incentive to do so, considering that we don't receive visible engagement or monetary rewards from people outside of Hive.

We have the means to measure the number of visitors to our content, and this could serve as a reference to gauge someone's popularity. Eventually, it becomes evident if someone is garnering attention from beyond Hive, and such recognition should be acknowledged.

Rather than confining ourselves to a niche, we can position Hive as the platform for the next generation of prominent content creators. Individuals like Ilaz himself have the potential to become well-known creators on other social media platforms if they choose to pursue that path. I have witnessed Ilaz's attempts to establish a presence on YouTube, which, while not the optimal choice, indicates that, like me, he is not in a hurry. After all, we are already generating income.

Therefore, I propose that we prioritize website visits. Creators should be made aware that sharing their posts on any social media platform can lead to larger upvotes. Let's cultivate genuine popularity for Hive by encouraging people to promote themselves. Ultimately, this is about individuals pursuing their own goals, but we, as a community, stand to benefit from each and every one of us.

I'm making a video about this. We really need a forum about this matter.

If only the "carry coal to newcastle" is the endline, then rich would become richer and those who used to struggle to meet their needs with little revenue would see even darker days as they would have to struggle harder.
Thats what creates a tough economic chase not in Hive but also in real life.

People who has high amount of wealth,market manipulation and availing the large part of domestic product is easy, but mass poor middle class are to suffer terribly due to limited income stream.

Whales have the power and they can use that to curate right as they want, they are happy with daily curation rewards. Project shines well,those who start from depth bottom, suffer..

Nobody seems to be promoting in ENGLISH, in the U.S. neck of the woods ... but make no mistake: @hivesucre and @lacasitahive are sitting with government officials, talking with businesses, and going street by street -- one of the members of La Casita Hive has a well-thought-out marketing approach for Hive both in Spanish and English, designed for Web 2.0.

In West Africa, there are a number of people introducing Hive to the community as a means of providing humanitarian assistance in ways that help whole communities cross gaps ... people are coming from Web 2.0 to 3.0 in that way. Talk with @hivedeb and also anyone in the Hive Borehole project about that.

I know this because I keep up from week to week -- -- and I'm condensing a guide for those who onboard with me of what has worked in my experience because I see that people don't see the money even enough to stay motivated. Now, GRANTED, it is more profitable to promote Hive in regions where, even in the bear, Hive still is an obvious great blessing -- but the challenge is that all of us don't see it that way enough to share it with someone else who we want blessed. As a United States citizen it is humbling for me to say that many of us need to play catch up with the enthusiasm of Hivers in countries so easily dismissed as less than -- but I'm saying it: we need to CATCH UP!

I'll definitely check the idea! I know there are projects in Venezuela, Cuba, Ghana and the Philipines, and the people behind these promos are amazing and are doing what we should've done on day 1.

Now imagine what would happen and how many other initiatives would come out if we actually allocated some resources from the reward pool to incentivize sharing content in web2, instead of just posting on hive and promoting within hive?

That guide is amazing, you should definitely use the tag 'leofinance' for that!

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

Hadn't thought about putting Things Ms. Dee Likes in Leofinance, but when I get my guide finished, I will release it there -- thanks for the reminder!

I agree with you that we could definitely allocate resources from the reward pool to get this DONE, before the next bull -- I'm just saying, we don't have to reinvent the wheel. It's BEING DONE ... we just need to get with the program!

By the way, you helped me out when I was not even yet a minnow ... we've been in this thing for a while, and still here ... I remember, and thank you!

It's also just hard for the average Joe Blogger to even know where to start. 99.9% of people are already convinced that anything even within 3 degrees of separation from the word Crypto or Blockchain is a absolute pyramid scheme and nothing you can do will convince them otherwise, unless they too seek to exploit it.

For the 0.1% kinda curious and open on Twitter and such, well, how many people came here specifically to leave web2 social media? How many who have twitter want to bloat their feed with discussions of #hive every 5 minutes? How many can carefully craft the perfect marketing dialogue to avoid thoughts of scammy crypto in the minds of the normies?

I just think, once whittled down, there really isn't much opportunity or methodology to transition people from web 2 to 3. People are set in their ways. You need an actual expert team of future-thinking marketers to even attempt to approach it: It's just not as simple as knocking door to door selling lemon juice and hoping to find loyal customers for a good product.

Your comment left me thinking and I actually made a post 2 hours ago about this, I scheduled it because I already have two posts in the past 24 hours and well, posting it right now would not be good hive etiquette by OG rules so, I'll let you know when I post it. It actually uses AI as a tool, so perhaps getting your POV on the idea might be useful.

Twitter is hard, Hive is hard (if you go deep enough) and any other platform will be. Mastering a platform to make the most out of it is definitely not for the uninitiated, but at the same time, all the people in other platforms are also not experts. If we, as a blockchain, allocated say, 10% of the reward pool to reward content sharers to web2, perhaps that would be enough encouragement for people to learn how to share, how to promote and how to reach more people.

If one thing we've proven is that Hivers are willing to learn complex stuff in return for rewards. Learning about blockchian, crypto, wallets, keys, reward pools, liquidty etc etc is unbelievable for the average Twitter user, but it's the bread and butter for the average hive user. If there was a guide that got updated fairly frequently on how to game the Twitter algorithm and how to reach more people, and then we rewarded with a ton of rewards (which wouldn't be unfair considering what some content creators get allocated by publishing content that only the existing userbase reads) to the topX of the list, I am certain we'd get a few cheaters, but a ton of actual people who'd learn how to promote101 on Twitter.

In a matter of months we'd have experts on Twitter, dedicating to share content from other authors, focusing in spreading Hive instead of creating content. We've said countless times that we need more content consumers and less content creators. Well, we could start by encouraging below average content creators to become content sharers and still get a piece of the rewards in the process, these content sharers would in turn be in charge of reaching out to content consumers and top content creators.

And thus, another post idea (and perhaps a proposal or even hardfork idea) is born with the concept in the last line, lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

I'll make sure to check it out for greater context! I'm not great at keeping up with feeds

You left out a fourth “stereotype” persona — the self-proclaimed defenders of the rewards pool, who will DV any and all content they view as “over-rewarded”.

I respect those guys (most of them, anyways) because they truly believe their efforts are fair and just and “in defense of the rewards pool”. After all, why should a post get 10x the rewards of a “normal” post just because some dude has developed a loyal following? Or, worse yet, what if that post is getting over-rewarded because it’s spreading anti-vax misinformation and there’s a group of crazy anti-vaxxers out there itching to over-reward such nonsense?

Nuke ’em! NUKE ‘EM TO ZERO!

The above mentality drives people away from the ecosystem, good people as well as “bad” people.

@anomadsoul, I agree with your overall sentiment, that there aren’t many incentives for individuals to go out of their way to promote Hive.

I have long thought that having some whales periodically and intentionally OVER-REWARD a handful of posts, and then share those on Web2, could generate some significant new interest.

However, I don’t think that would be a good idea until after we reform the DV process, because as it stands now a single whale can unilaterally nuke an accountholder without recourse. And, getting a high-profile Web2 influencer onboard only to see their posts get nuked to zero would make Twitter’s shadowban fiasco look like child’s play, imho.

Okay even I'm confused about who you are now :))) Honestly, I liked the first guy best.

I'll admit, for shame, I don't promote Hive. But it's not lack of incentive. I don't think I'd do it if there were 10k in the game, and for a simple reason ~ I worry too many people would ruin it. I'm one of those parents who, for love, will keep you locked away, but safe. Maybe. Not in the real world, but with this. I look at platforms like Facebook, and I worry if our ecosystem went viral, it would inevitably become as corrupted.
That's not to say I'm right with this. I don't think I am, and I genuinely get happy when I see people talking about Hive on Twitter and whatnot (on here. I'm not actually on Twitter). But your post prompted thought, and this is what came out :)

Definitivamente creo que se debe promocionar hive en todo cuanto sea posible, recuerdo palabras de @mariajruizb, mi fallecida esposa, quien fuera la gran iniciadora de Sucre Venezuela, de la idea de masificar el uso de la moneda hive y Hbd en Venezuela, por las malas políticas económicas que produce la administración pública y privada en el país. Con la inspiración de ésta mujer nace la idea de crear #lacasitahive, para educar a la gente de la ciudad en el buen uso del ecosistema hive, también creo como miembro del proyecto de #lacasitahive, que debemos hacer todo lo posible para una buena promoción de la web3, en la web2, para lograr la masificación de nuestra colmena.

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