The Daily Meme #422!

in #utopia3 years ago


In case you were wondering where it is I am coming from,...

On any given Tuesday we, as a people, can simply continue doing the work that fills the shelves while refusing to pay for the goods we get from that labor.

We simply order what we need from the shelves/warehouses, and the nice delivery person delivers it.
As long as the work continues to be done, we won't hardly notice a difference.

The fine details will have to be worked out locally, but the estimates are that we will have to work 20 hours a week from the age of 20 to the age of 50.
25,000 hours in total.

This is what happens when you divide the labor equally among those that can work.
If the labor is divided equally, why wouldn't its products also be divided equally?

You get one share of all the labor of the planet in return for contributing one share of the labor to the planet.

Not that difficult, eh?

If you are over 50, you do as you please.
Though, it is hoped you continue to contribute to the whole, you don't have to.

Before the age of 20 you will find what it is you want to do with yourself and begin doing it when you are ready.
Not everybody is cut out for doing all labor.
A fine detail to be worked out locally.

Look around.
See many unemployed people?
See any people that could be doing something, but are not capable of full time work?

All the things we consumed today were made without those people's contributions.
Many hands make quicker work.
Instead of 60 hours a week you only work 20, and somebody else can get work, too.

We no longer have any bills, no electric bill because the electric workers get to order from the stores for free.
No car repair bills because they get their stuff for free, too.
No doctor bill.
Mom's finally get their full value for raising children.
You get the idea.
We don't pay for another damn thing.

I don't think you fully understand the inefficiency of crapitalism.
The crapialusts literally dump things in the ocean because it's cheaper than warehousing it and they refuse to just give it away.

The fact that more billionaires can only lead to millions of deaths in poverty keeps me beating this drum.
Day after day.
For more than 5 years here.

On any given Tuesday we can get in line for the better options, but only by getting out of line for this dystopia we currently have.

When you are ready to see what Ayn Rand saw when she wrote her Anthem ask me, and I will turn you on to the academic treatments of the subject.

crap pyramid.jfif

Are you are tired of paying your masters to bomb children in far away places?
Perhaps it is time you pushed back on that.
A simple way that anybody can do that is to hoard your coins.
A dollar of change in your pocket is a dollar of value out of the banksters' pockets that force us to pay them so they can play in the amusement parks from hell and shop in the human grocery stores.
'Aint that fresh?'

Metal in your own possession will always have more intrinsic value than digits on a bankster's ledger.

That is all, for now, you may resume your otherwise mundane day.
To contest the characterization of your day as mundane, make a post of your own explaining why your day is not mundane and ping me, eh?

We are having a membership drive in these discords, tell your friends.
If you want a voice in the consensus join them, and be one.

Join the Hive Discordiant Room:
This room is open source, and end to end encrypted private chats are available.

Exercise your duty to mitigate abuse.

Appeal blacklist flags here.

Get your flag reviewed for redemption.

Proof of Brain:
You know, what they sold us on to get us here.

The Terminal:
Newb friendly chat.

@irivers' list of discord servers.
@irivers does hive website reviews.

Well informed newb friendly chat.

Hive Official:
Central focal point of much of the hive.
Building the holodeck in 3d VR.

The Pulse:
Alternatives to the groupthinc.

Klye's server:
When your day just doesn't have enough Klye in it.

These are public rooms managed by private people for the benefit of everybody using this blockchain.
What they do is voluntary, but openly public.
Don't abuse their willingness to work for the collective for what little we give them, eh?
Without them, none of this exists.


Billy Jack, the movie.


I think you might like this one @ligayagardener

I saw it and have been thinking about the content...unfortunately, with this kind of post, if you answer negatively or question anything in the post, you get mobbed.

I guarantee you that @antisocialist is very open to dialogue. 😉 I've had some great discussions with him over the years. We don't always see eye to eye on everything, I'm sure, but, like you, he doesn't disregard me for that. You're unlikely to get mobbed here.

hmmmmmm, makes me feel pretty bad since a disabled, self-employed hiver doesn't put in ANY hours into the SYSTEM. or is that a good thing?? :P

It's a good thing, the more you can bleed the system the better, iyam.
At some point the taxes get too high and the proles get their pitchforks and torches.

right on. 😉


It's very simplistically stated and I like the concept. I've been mulling it over and think that whether it can be implemented on a large/worldwide scale is probably not as simplistic. Can you imagine the scale needed for just a change of mindset first of all?

Lol, I think free stuff and less work will smooth over some rough edges.
Do you turn down free electric and a free home in return for showing up to 25k hours of community service?

The main point of contention will be from those addicted to rule by force.
Power is a drug not easily rejected.

We overcome that by ignoring orders and doing as we please.
An idea that I think will spread like wildfire to those not committed to being slaves.

The main point of contention will be from those addicted to rule by force.

Those and those who make a lot of money with things how they are now. You're right, people don't turn down free stuff, but they'd rather have that on top of what they've already got coming in. those not committed to being slaves.

This is probably the crux of it. Most are followers who want to be led and guided. They'll happily follow a path like this, but won't be able to comprehend how to do it without someone guiding them. That's where the rulers can always step in. I also think that many people need to be at a point of high need before they would see the bounty of this concept. So it would be easier to move 2nd and 3rd world nations into this kind of economy than 1st world. The chances are, however, that it will be the rulers who would make this happen rather than the people themselves and we already know that with rulers everything comes with catches.

To be honest I think we are currently being herded down a path where we will be in such a desperate situation as to accept whatever lifeline they offer us. I see that lifeline as being something like this, but long hours for our free stuff and for many more years...and if you don't do as you're told you'll lose your free stuff.

Sadly, the last time the ideas I propound were commonly discussed was just before the ussr became a thing.
The ussr promised what I promise, but never delivered, and never intended to do so.
This book tells the story of it.

IF it were to happen today it would take somebody with a worldwide reach through the medias and we would likely have to set a date, and after that date nobody pays for anything, people keep working, those that don't have jobs can just help their neighbors do what they do.

As long as the miners keep mining, the manufacturers keep manufacturing, the delivery drivers driving, we shouldn't see any glitches at all.
We just all live without bills.
The rich can keep their castles and private jets and we can all go about our businesses never banking again.

If only people weren't so meddlesome life could be so simple. You know how it will go, though. "We need to log and monitor everyone to check they are contributing, otherwise it's not fair on those doing all the work."

That sounds like a book I would like to make some time to read.

I was lucky enough to have the time years ago, it was a real eye opener as to how much is kept hidden from us by the victors.

They can only busybody us as much as we tolerate.
When the 'just want to be left aloners' are fed up with this nonsense there will be a pushback of some scale and the busybodys will be made to crawl back under their rocks and nurse their blackeyes and bloody noses, this is the point that must be reached before freedom can return.


I understand what you meant. We could divide and share all the products equally or not, there might be no poor in the world. It is not impossible to do so, however not easy as said because capitalism has created egoist individuals thinking "always just me"

They go hand in hand.
While materialism rules it is dog eat dog.
When goods are 'free' having a pile of them is a liability.