The Daily Meme #772!

If we repudiated the federal reserve note as the fraud that it is, we could seize all the assets owned by the people that gave us/profited from the frn.
Redshill, blackstone, rockerfella, shiff, warburg, brown, the list is nearly endless.
It may be the only way to get your 401k money back from the bastards.

Since those paper assets in your retirement plan include nearly all industry, this would be an opportunity for the working class to finally own the narrative.

On any given tuesday the workers of the world can simply continue to do the work necessary to keep the lights on, and the shelves overflowing, but refuse to sell the products that work creates to the crapitalust for a wage, the workers can then take what they need from the stockpile created by their labor at no further expense.
A worker gives one share of the work, they take one share of the fruit.
You put your work in, you take out what is available to be had.

The shoe maker makes shoes, the farmer grows the leather, the warehouser practices best warehouse managing techniques, the electric workers continue to deliver the electricity, the miners continue to mine, the refiners continue to refine, the shippers continue to ship, the journalists continue to journal, the healers continue to heal, the delivery people still make deliveries, they all train their replacements, but instead of accounting for all that in dollars per hours and trading it back to the people we sold it to at a discount called corporate profit, we simply take what we need to continue being productive from the bounty our collective hands have produced.

Bring on the robots, eh!

IF you work in the local walmart, you continue to do that.
If you work in the local factory, keep doing it.

No more creating 100usd of products while getting only 10usd in wages.
No more boss saying like it or lump it.
Now you elect your boss.

If you work at your own business, keep doing that and hire more help so folks have jobs.
You don't have to pay them a wage, and you need to replace the people that will retire at 50.

If you didn't do anything today, find something to do tomorrow.
There are no more regulatory hurdles to be leapt by folks wanting to provide work that needs to be done.

You got a lazy kid in the neighborhood?
Now you can put them to work.
They can simply walk down the street to whatever gathering point becomes the place to get your mom off your back.
The men can provide guidance.
Nobody needs to fall through the cracks.
More workers equal fewer hours for everybody.

Once the shakeout occurs, we will work around 20 hours a week from the age of 20 to the age of 50.
Up to ~25k hours.

The numbers for the minimum will have to be determined on the fly and will change over time.
I figure total work hours necessary last year to fill the shelves divided by total workers age 20 to 50 in the world will get us into the ballpark.
Here is an academic's approach to the math.

Of course decentralization of production will need to occur to supply the planet, but that won't take long with all the workers working towards it.

Once you meet this minimum, then you are free to do as you please.

Jetset the world, if you like.
Get yourself a cruise ship, if you can.
Whatever you want to do.
It's freedom, baby!
More than you could ever dream of today.


Or, you can continue the path that you are on.

Up to you.

Are you are tired of paying your masters to bomb children in far away places?
Perhaps it is time you pushed back on that.
A simple way that anybody can do that is to hoard your coins.
The fed buys coins at face value from the mint.
A dollar of change in your pocket is a dollar of value out of the banksters' pockets.
Stop playing in their shell game that allows them to play in the amusement parks from hell and shop in the human grocery stores.

Sign in here.


The person who invented autocorrect
should burn in hello.

Credit: marshmellowman
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My guess is that we are already there in history if we just redirected our resources away from the military industrial complex and, instead, toward the needs of the common people.

The few thousand people keeping this crapitalust ship afloat will not be able to stop the billions were the billions to get it in their minds that those few thousands needed to go.
Blockchain and the interwebz has us closer to that goal than ever, imo.

Or... Add free energy and remove the need for that tool called "money" (in any form, from trade/barter to electronic bits) completely, making robots a boon in necessary jobs no One wants to do, freeing Us all to fulfill Our potential.

80% of "jobs" out there now are unneeded but for moving Our wealth to the psychopaths in control.