[ Eng- Esp ]Mayo el mes de las flores📸🌸✨ | May is the month of flowers 📸🌸✨

in #hive-1949132 years ago

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Fuente | Source | Photo of my authorship captured with my Iphone 8

Saludos amigos y amantes de la fotografía, espero estén teniendo una excelente semana. En esta oportunidad he querido compartir un poco de la belleza de naturaleza, desde pequeños espacios en mi jardín donde las plantas han florecido de manera espectacular. Este es el mes ideal, puesto que mayo se conoce como el mes de las flores y donde alcanzan su máximo esplendor. A continuación comparto con ustedes una serie de fotografías que he logrado capturar con la cámara de mi iphone 8, espero que lo disfruten.

Greetings friends and photography lovers, I hope you are having a great week. This time I wanted to share some of the beauty of nature, from small spaces in my garden where plants have flourished in a spectacular way. This is the ideal month, since May is known as the month of flowers and where they reach their maximum splendor. Below I share with you a series of photographs that I have managed to capture with the camera of my iphone 8, I hope you enjoy it.


Fuente | Source | Photos of my authorship captured with my Iphone 8

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Fuente | Source | Photos of my authorship captured with my Iphone 8

El gran Duque ha embellecido el jardín con sus pequeñas pero muy olorosas flores y poco ha poco sus botones van abriendo al pasar los días.

The great Duke has beautified the garden with his small but very fragrant flowers and little by little his buds are opening as the days go by.

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Fuente | Source | Photos of my authorship captured with my Iphone 8

La Bromelia roja no se ha quedado atrás y para sorpresa de muchos en casa, floreció por primera vez. Aunque no es una flor con aroma, su intenso color rojo le da un toque especial al jardín.

The red Bromeliad has not been left behind and to the surprise of many at home, it bloomed for the first time. Although it is not a scented flower, its intense red color gives a special touch to the garden.

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Fuente | Source | Photos of my authorship captured with my Iphone 8

La flores de cera también espera mayo para mostrar sus pequeños racimos, bastante peculiares y sin aroma, solo dejan que su belleza sea la gran protagonista.

Wax flowers also wait for May to show their small clusters, quite peculiar and unscented, they just let their beauty be the main protagonist.

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Fuente | Source | Photos of my authorship captured with my Iphone 8

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Fuente | Source | Photos of my authorship captured with my Iphone 8

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Fuente | Source | Photos of my authorship captured with my Iphone 8

Gracias por llegar hasta aquí y apreciar mi seriado fotográfico a la naturaleza, realizado con la cámara de mi iphone 8.

Thank you for coming here and appreciating my photographic series to nature, made with the camera of my iphone 8.

Traducido con App https://www.deepl.com/translator

Translated with App https://www.deepl.com/translator
