One of the funniest things I see about people is they often get surprised when we talk about diseases like Pancreatitis, Congestive Heart Failure, even Cancer! their first answer after listening to these words are "but they can suffer from that as well?" followed by a remarkable expression of surprise in their faces.
Yes, our pets suffer almost the same diseases as us, but not all. They are living beings like us, in their structure they are composed of bones, muscles, systems and organs. They can suffer the same degenerative and bacterial diseases as us. Just some strict diseases are zoonotic, meaning that they can infect us.
For me this is normal and basic information, but probably for other people it isn't, and I'm aware of that because I see it every day I go to the clinic. One of the missions of the veterinarians is to help with health and be aware of the animals and people of the community, and this kind of info just reaches those who take their pets to the clinic, so in the end it is hard to spread all this information.
Social media is a solution. We can see many veterinarians around social media trying to give useful information of the health and care of their pets, but not everyone does it, could be because of the demand of time or because the most experimented vet doesn't use to much social media. There could be many reasons but at least we are trying.
Medicine is just a wonderful world to study about and every day we are learning new things about how to give our pets a longer and healthy life!