In Venezuela you can really get a very good quality of ground coffee, but I can't say that everywhere...
I live in the fifth largest city in the country but its cultural characteristics do not allow it to be a very good market for quality coffee traders to take much into account when selling it here.
El estado donde vivo es zona de cultivos cafetaleros. Lo que da una oportunidad a acceder a cafe de calidad. Aun asi muy escaso..
The state where I live is a coffee growing area. This gives an opportunity to access quality coffee. Even so, it is very scarce.
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El cafe regular puede costar desde 5 a 7 dolares el kilo. El cafe de especialidad difícilmente se consiga a menos de 10 dolares el kilo. Lo cual reamente no me parece costoso, lo vale.
Regular coffee can cost from 5 to 7 dollars a kilo. Specialty coffee is hardly available for less than 10 dollars a kilo. Which really does not seem expensive to me, it is worth it.
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El cafe del que hoy quiero comentar es el Cafe Amanecer que podria clasificarlo bueno dentro de los regulares. Aun asi, a veces puede ser una lotería. Puede que salga un lote con un control de calidad fallo y se obtenga un cafe distinto.
The coffee I want to comment on today is Cafe Amanecer which I could classify as good within the regular ones. Even so, sometimes it can be a lottery. It is possible that a batch with a failed quality control comes out and you get a different coffee.
Tienen la presentacion normal, una bolsa de celofán y la presentacion del empaquetado al vacío.
Casi lo olvido, ellos tambien tienen una linea de cafe de especialidad, el detalle es que hasta los momentos no he podido acceder a ella. En la que tambien se destaca por señalar el origen.
They have the normal presentation, a cellophane bag and vacuum packed presentation.
I almost forgot, they also have a line of specialty coffees, the detail is that I have not been able to access it so far. In which they also stand out for pointing out the origin
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En mi hogar hemos ido buscando poco a poco la mejor forma de aprovechar el cafe utilizando diferentes métodos de extracción. Para que por los momentos, aunque utilizo la prensa francesa, no uso su filtro sino que solo uso el envase.
In my home we have been looking little by little for the best way to take advantage of the coffee using different extraction methods. For the moment, although I use the French press, I do not use its filter but only the container.
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Caliento el agua, caliento los envases donde preparare el cafe, luego vierto el agua en el cafe molido y lo dejo entre uno a dos minutos, luego lo paso por un filtro de tela y en lo que termine de filtrar lo sirvo.
I heat the water, I heat the containers where I will prepare the coffee, then I pour the water into the ground coffee and I leave it for one to two minutes, then I pass it through a cloth filter and as soon as I finish filtering I serve it.
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Parte de lo lindo de la experiencia es el olor, este tan característico de cada mañana que asi no vaya a tomar cafe, necesito esa sensación...
Pero lo mas rico del cafe es compartirlo con gente que queremos...
Part of the beauty of the experience is the smell, this so characteristic of every morning that even if I don't go to drink coffee, I need that sensation...
But the most delicious thing about coffee is sharing it with people we love...
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