At this point I would just like to ask the question:
How ill is Splinterlansd really ?
It is not unknown to anyone that many mistakes have been made in the past. And many mistakes have been acknowledged. That should also be considered.
But is that enough?
The first big question for me is what is the value of this game based on?
I originally started playing because I really appreciated the fact that I could sell all my assets if I wanted to quit. So a lot of it felt like an investment in the future.
Well, this Infest is now not worth nearly what it used to be.
But isn't that exactly where the mistake lies?
The whole point of this game is to have fun and enjoy a good time.
With other games, the money invested is indisputably gone. And you accept that.
It's different here. Every euro is mourned here.
Basically a great pity, especially when serious mistakes are made.
First and foremost, the community should be maintained or even expanded. Then there will be enough people interested in new cards.
I am curious to see whether this will be implemented.
What do you think is the biggest weakness of Splinterlands and the reason for the current situation?
Splinterlegend - arc-echo