[ENG/ITA] Golem Overlord: My Top-Earning Hive Game

in #hive-1466209 days ago

cover golem overlord.jpg

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Golem Overlord: My Top-Earning Hive Game

Every now and then I like to come back and talk about Golem Overlord: from a game that wasn't even earning me 0.001 Hive, over time it has become the title I'm most active on and which is generating the highest profits among ALL Hive Games I play.

Currently my earnings on the game exceed 130 HIVE and show no signs of stopping.

The more I play, the more my stats increase, allowing me to get more and more rewards.

Just a few days ago I sold 3 items on the market, all of which were unlocked by completing the daily quests.


16.5 Hive earned in no time... amazing!

And what about the value of the game's tokens?

The SHARD token has seen its value soar lately: how many other Hive Games currently have such a solid and even growing economy?


As far as I know, very few and Golem Overlord has been around for over a year now, with new updates being constantly released over time to support the game and make it more fun.

And this without sacrificing the little time required to complete the various tasks: even today, despite my progress, I still dedicate a few minutes per day to this game and that's enough to keep making progress, complete quests, sell a few items I don't need or place a few bids for someone I'm interested in.

And speaking of purchases, I recently added to my collection 2 new Scarce backgrounds and a Precious armour for my character:


All equipable items grant bonuses to the stastistics of your Golemancer, so it is important over time to buy or unlock stronger components in order to keep an advantage over your opponents.

In terms of the overall ranking, I keep climbing up more and more positions, slowly approaching a big goal, which is to place in the Top 1000.


My stats are averagely low, but I compensate with a very high Prestige level: this morning I got to level 18 and it's only a matter of time before I will unlock level 5 quests... and then I'll make another huge leap forward, increasing my earnings even more!

If things keep going like this I'll also have to decide what to do with these HIVE I'm getting: for now they're sitting in my wallet, but I might consider doing a power up with them, maybe on a separate account, so that I can add curation and staking rewards to my ingame earnings.

Now I'm going to buy some more upgrades, because I really wanted to sell some of my extra SHARD :)

images property of @golem.overlord and their respective owners

links to #LeoGlossary added with LeoLinker, an awesome tool developed by @kendewitt

to support the #OliodiBalena community, @balaenoptera is 3% beneficiary of this post

If you've read this far, thank you! If you want to leave an upvote, a reblog, a follow, a comment... well, any sign of life is really much appreciated!

If you haven't tried Golem Overlord yet, you can do it via my referral link, if you like :)

Versione italiana

Italian version

cover golem overlord.jpg

Golem Overlord: il Mio Hive Game dal Miglior Guadagno

Ogni tanto mi piace tornare a parlare di Golem Overlord: da gioco che non mi fruttava neanche 0.001 HIVE, nel tempo è diventato il titolo su cui sono più attivo e che mi sta generando i maggiori profitti tra tutti gli Hive Games.

Attualmente il mio guadagno sul gioco supera i 130 HIVE e non accenna a fermarsi.

Più gioco, più le mie statistiche aumentano, consentendomi di ottenere ricompense sempre maggiori.

Giusto qualche giorno ho venduto 3 oggetti sul market, tutti sbloccati completando le quests giornaliere.


16.5 HIVE guadagnati in un attimo... fantastico!

E vogliamo parlare del valore dei token del gioco?

Il token SHARD ultimamente ha visto aumentare vertiginosamente il proprio valore: quanti altri Hive Game hanno un'economia attualmente così solida e addirittura in crescita?


Che io sappia pochi e Golem Overlord ha dalla sua di esistere da ormai più di un anno, con nuovi aggiornamenti che sono stati costantemente rilasciati nel corso del tempo per supportare il gioco e renderlo sempre più divertente.

E ciò senza andare a discapito del poco tempo richiesto per completare le varie attività: ancora oggi, nonostante i miei progressi, dedico pochi minuti di tempo al giorno a questo gioco e questo basta per continuare a fare progressi, portare a termine le quests, vendere qualche oggetto che non mi serve o piazzare qualche offerta di acquisto per qualcuno che mi interessa.

Parlando di acquisti, recentemente ho infatti aggiunto alla mia collezione 2 nuovi sfondi di rarità Scarce e un'armatura per il mio personaggio di rarità Precious:


Tutti gli oggetti equipaggiabili conferiscono bonus alle stastistiche del proprio Golemancer, per cui è importante nel tempo acquistare o sbloccare componenti sempre più forti, così da mantenere un vantaggio sui propri avversari.

A livello di classifica generale continuo poi a scalare sempre più posizioni, avvicinandomi piano piano ad un grande traguardo, ossia piazzarmi in Top 1000.


Le mie statistiche sono mediamente basse, ma compenso grazie ad un livello di Prestigio molto alto: stamani sono arrivato al 18 ed è solo questione di tempo prima che mi riesca sbloccare le quests di livello 5... e allora farò un altro enorme salto in avanti, aumentando ancora di più i miei guadagni!

Se le cose continuassero così dovrà anche decidere cosa fare con questi HIVE che sto ottenendo: per ora sono fermi nel mio wallet, ma potrei considerare l'ipotesi di farci un power up, magari su un account apposito, in modo da aggiungere ai guadagni ingame anche quelli derivanti dall'attività di curation e dallo staking.

Ora vado a compare qualche altro potenziamento, perchè mi è venuta parecchia voglia di mettermi a vendere un po' di SHARD in eccesso :)

immagini di proprietà di @golem.overlord e dei rispettivi proprietari

a supporto della community #OliodiBalena, il 3% delle ricompense di questo post va a @balaenoptera

Se sei arrivato a leggere fin qui, grazie! Se hai voglia di lasciare un upvote, un reblog, un follow, un commento... be', un qualsiasi segnale di vita, in realtà, è molto apprezzato!

Se non hai ancora provato Golem Overlord, puoi farlo passando tramite il mio referral link, se ti va :)

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Used your referal to join the world of GO.
Would love to see 1 person to use my referral as well to fullfill a quest in GO :)
Thanks a lot.


Thanks! That's really appreciated :) you were my first referral on the game!

If you need any help or suggestion, feel free to ask: I'll be happy to help you :)

Also, I was thinking about using the 2 Hive I got as referral reward to buy 2 HSBI to share with you, but I just saw that you don't post often, so maybe that wasn't a good idea...


I was fired from the keyboard factory yesterday.
I wasn't putting in enough shifts.

Credit: reddit
@herman-german, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of arc7icwolf

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

Keep the Hive on your side and invest it into the game ;)
Yeah I stopped posting quite a while ago...


People who are color blind have the highest rates of divorce.
They can't see the red flags.

Credit: reddit
@arc7icwolf, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of herman-german



I know that they are just 2 HIVE but I'd still like to share them with you! So if I (or you) come up with an idea, I'll go for it :)

And if you ever decide to start posting again... 2 HSBI seem like a good deal !LOL

If you really wanna share them you could send me the equivalent amount of PART maybe...

1 HIVE = 865 PART... sent :)

Hope it helps boosting a little your progress on the game!

Wow thanks a lot. Will stack up my stats :)

Why are vacuums always so tough?
Because they know how to suck it up.

Credit: reddit
@herman-german, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of arc7icwolf



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Complimenti per i tuoi progressi nel gioco, io ho interrotto di giocare per un bel pò di mesi e per questo il mio prestige è ancora al livello 6 ma ho ripreso a giocare circa 2 mesi e mezzo fa e sono rimasto positivamente sorpreso dagli aggiornamenti che ho trovato e soprattutto le quests che sono un incentivo a fare gli upgrades!

@tipu curate 2

Sì, le quests sono in assoluto la parte migliore e più sali di Prestigio più ne otterrai di difficili (ma comunque sempre molto fattibili) e ricche di ricompense! E ti consiglio di concentrarti sulla produzione di SHARD, perchè si vendono davvero bene, complice anche il fatto che la maggior parte dei giocatori si focalizza più sui PART.


@libertycrypto27, @arc7icwolf(1/4) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx

I have kleptomania.
When it gets bad I have to take something for it.

Credit: reddit
@libertycrypto27, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of arc7icwolf

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP


$PIZZA slices delivered:
libertycrypto27 tipped arc7icwolf
arc7icwolf tipped libertycrypto27
arc7icwolf tipped herman-german
@herman-german(2/15) tipped @arc7icwolf (x3)

Yup, GO is the best contributor to my Hive wallet too, and considering what I actually paid into the game, it by far the best.

I has taken a long time, I was there on day 1 (and have the title to prove it :-) ), but that not a problem, Yxin's pace of development is great and the game is constantly changing and improving.

I am steadfastly building up my strength and inventory for when this game really starts to fly and Yxin's decides to take it to another level.

I only remove Shard from the game, I'm careful to keep my "used %" near 100% to avoid penalties.

Right now, I'm spending my excess Shard on $DRIP

I was there on day 1 (and have the title to prove it :-)

I came a bit later and missed the first few weeks, but then I joined it and never regretted it! It also took me a lot of monthes (almost 1 year) to start earning good amount of PART and SHARD, but now that I'm there it's awesome :)

I only remove Shard from the game, I'm careful to keep my "used %" near 100% to avoid penalties.

I'm doing the same: all PART reinvested to improve my stats and avoid penalties and SHARD burned to unlock rewards and some sold on the market.

I'm spending my excess Shard on $DRIP

I have very few DRIP but it looks like a very promising project: I may copy your strategy and buy some more with my excess SHARD too :)

Your strategies are always very interesting, thanks for sharing them! !LUV

I saw that you don't post a lot on Hive, but in case you ever start... dropped a follow!

@tarabh, @arc7icwolf(2/4) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx

Thanks, been promising myself I'd start posting, I have a few idea for a series to kick off with, just need to get myself into gear and figure out a good solution for images ;-)

One day my friend!, one day!

When you'll start, I'll be there to give my support :)

@libertycrypto27, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/2) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @arc7icwolf gets !COFFEE from @hiq.redaktion.

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