7th Birthday Extravaganza
Tell me how we got to this. I know that 7th birthdays are a big thing in Filipino culture because it celebrates an important milestone is a child's life. Like, not a baby anymore, and it marks the start of the child's journey towards becoming a more accountable kid and so son.
But how did we even get to the point when it became a big party with extravagant set-ups and spending hundreds of thousands of pesos (thousand dollars) even for a simple middle-class family? I have no frikin' clue.
So yeah, my cousin's daughter turned seven last September. The father worked overseas, so they decided to throw the party three months later. I mean, the kid must have already forgotten when her birthday was! LOL. Then there was the big, destructive typhoon Kristine in October. They told the kid that it would be best not to throw a big party anymore. The kid already agreed...
Yet here we are...
Complete Party Set-up
Earlier this month, the party pushed through. Complete with clowns, photoshoot, a "ballroom", and a programme with 7's.
Seven Gifts....
Seven Bills...
Seven Wishes...
Seven Dresses...
Seven Shoes...
Seven Roses
Seven Balloons
Seven whatever comes to mind.
So yeah... how did we even get to a culture like this?!
Anyway, shadows... the reason why I'm here. Sorry, I thought this was the rant community. LOL.
The party was set in the afternoon, and just when the program started, the sun was directly behind the curtains. and it just made some extravagant shadows.
These curtains were tied up earlier, but since the sun was beaming directly at the celebrant, they drew it down.
So here it is... my entry for this week.
The rest of the photos were from the party and I was not really able to take any more shadow photos.
Let me just finish this post with a picture of the celebrant as she was seated on the beatifully set-up stage.
The kid was so happy, I was not the one who spent hundreds of thousands, so I am happy too. LOL.
I jokingly told the parents that they already need to start saving for the big party when this child turns 18. And it should already be in a hotel, no longer a country-side se-up. And yes, there's are two more smaller kids, so this one was already a precedent.
Do you have some great shadow pictures in your phone's gallery?
Why not join the fun this week at Shadow Hunters Round 354.
See you next time!
All photos are owned by the author unless stated otherwise.