Almost 3 weeks ago my gorgeous Husky, Laika, gave birth to her first litter of pups, 6 in total. All were born perfectly healthy and I’m glad to say that they’re growing bigger and stronger with every day that passes.
New mum, Laika, is doing an incredible job and even though she sometimes looks fed up with the constant demand for milk she is instinctively doing what Mother Nature intended her to do. As for Milo (dad), he is still taking a back seat and only rarely allowed within sniffing distance of his newborns. Milo shows a healthy interest in his pups but I honestly think he just misses his bed and wonders when he’s going to get it back. It’s been strange to see our dogs so wary of each other but as soon as I take them out for a walk they both seem to forget about the pups and enjoy some playtime together. However, as soon as we get back home Laika rushes to her pups, gives them all a quick wash, and settles down to continue feeding the insatiable pack of huskies.
I sometimes feel sorry for mum, being milked like some sort of everlasting gob-stopper, but it is funny to see them jostle for the best spot and then instantly fall to sleep with a teat in their mouth.
Mum is so protective and you can visibly notice her discomfort whenever anyone handles the pups. We try our best to leave them be but they’re so cute it sometime becomes impossible to resist the temptation of giving them a cuddle.
Recently the pups have opened their eyes and if you look closely enough you can see that distinctive blue colour beginning to develop around the pupil of their eyes. As their eyesight develops the last few days have become very entertaining. The puppies now respond to our voices and as soon as you stoop down to the edge of their pen they come stumbling over to greet you with their tails wagging like crazy.
They’re only 19 days old but already they’re play fighting and working out who’s who in the pecking order. Every now and then you hear one of them bark and on rare occasions I’ve even heard them attempt the famous husky howl. Aaawoooo!
By the looks of things my family have a crazy Christmas heading our way, and if anyone thinks they’re winning the cutest crimbo picture competition they’d better think again 🤣
It’ll definitely be sad to see these little critters toddle off to their new forever homes but until then I’m going to enjoy every moment.
Hopefully you’ll all enjoy sharing these moments with me. I was asked by @thisismylife to post an update so I know at least one person is enjoying these posts 😂 (I hope this has given you the puppy fix you wanted 🙂)
Until next time it’s goodbye from Myself, Laika, Milo, and all the pups! See ya soon!!