Creativity is not Everyone's Cup of Tea in Life!

in #life9 months ago

Image by storyset on Freepik

On our planet only human species brain has the ability to think and act with self consciousness and due to which our species are here now in the modern day society. Offcourse other species are also have the ability go think and act with their self-conscious and but not as mcuh as ourselves. The key point in human survival journey through out the time is using their brain to think and create something that wasn't there before. It's called creativity. With the invention of Wheel, the human history has seen so much inventions up until the latest picture of black hole in the center of our galaxy.

The key aspect of brain is the creativity we have to get out of the situations which are hard and using it to simplify the hardship of work. You may have seem some funny videos of how childrens act creatively in a situation rather than a normal person do it the hard way. In my title of this post I have written it as in a negetive sentence because from I know I'm not a creative person. This realisation of creativity is not my cup of tea changes my perception of seeing others as if they are creative.

I know for a fact that I'm just person who is doing routine things on a daily basis even at certain points of my life. As far as I know, the only creative thing I made is knotting my head with a hand napkin by covering my eyes with it on a day journey in a bus to avoid direct sun light fell on my eyes to get a good sleep since I don't like journeys. It was the time of my engineering studies, when I used to travel on monthly basis to home whenever I get a chance. Up until then I didn't see anyone doing the same thing as me while in a bus. I felt so proud of me that I did a creative thing in my life.

One more thing is I realised this act as a creative one after my engineering and while in search of job. This kind of brain could not have done it better I think. Upon realising it I came to a conclusion that I'm not a creative guy. I was just offering some tricks or something that I may have seen previously from somewhere and thought of it as a good idea. I may not be creative, but I know that I'm a wise man 😁. With experience at certain situations I had done a good job in solving them quickly. Because no one can do it quickly except for an experienced person.

From my perspective everyone look like a creative person as I lack of it. Everyone wants what they don't have and look in others what they lack. Maybe I think a job doesn't offer a creative mind, where as a business can offer a person a chance to improve their creativity. A job is simply a routine work which we have to do fullfill the needs of others to live from paycheck to paycheck. This post may have some negative thoughts of mine, my apologies in advance if anyone feel offended. I almost write about myself only and the persons I encounter in my life and my views on them.


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