Life would be different with inner peace!😀

in #life10 months ago

Image by storyset on Freepik

One can assume after seeing Mr.Bean enjoying his life solo with little efforts makes us wonder is it peace and happiness are the state of mind. For me its a big YES. I don't give much thought ruining my day with what I don't have, instead I'm feeling fortunate for the things I have. The desire of obsessing over something makes our mind an entrance for the negative thoughts.

Our brain has thoughts which gradually becomes personality. In those thoughts all the essential things we have can make up for the irrelevant things we want. It all comes to either you are happy or not. We cannot make someone feel good forcibly, it needs to come from the mind within. Even though we make them listen to our thoughts, they won't follow as the inner peace is a thing which can be experienced through self learning.

I found the importance of inner peace when I was searching for a job. At that time I had plenty of free time to think about the views of life and how can we accept the reality and such other things. On one day, I stumble upon a meme of Mr.Bean with template of statement on the top and four small tiles like pictures of him living the moment bothering about nothing. Then it struck me, we feel happy not because of the person beside makes a joke, it's because we feel the joke and laughs on it.

It's not that difficult to achieve inner peace, we just have to accept with graciously what we have and getting comfortable with it. Don't overthink the situation and believe that everything that will happen, was happend and is happening is for your best only. Not everything around you is essential and most of them are irrelevant. Not everything is learned with listening, some things will come through experiences.

What we need to get rid of is the obsession of things and making a habit of living a simple and efficient life. Some persons may be obsessed with the idea of irrelevant things being the essential things and without them, they can't properly concentrate on certain things. Always trying hard to point fingers at others and proving them wrong. Accept the fact that different persons have different opinions on different things. Yours is not the only validated opinion in the real world.

Habits are one thing, but the obsession of having to go for a certain thing is not good. For example having a cup of tea or coffee is a habit, but obsessing over one flavour and acting like without it there is no tea is the difference. Just try to listen to others opinions, but don't follow it blindly. One have to formulate the opinions of others basing on the fact of how much happiness can it bring to you or the society. The vision needs to be for the betterment of you or society.

If you are in a dilemma of worrying about something, instead of thinking why did it happen to me, think about how to escape from it or how to live with it. It's not simple to live simple and be happy with what we have, it takes a tremendous amount of will power to be simple and happy nowadays. For the person who is having inner peace can be happy where ever he is and what ever he is doing.


Lovely points here dear.
The brain works fully in happy fit to make us smile and laugh.

Yay! 🤗
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