Hello, fellow Splinters,
This series is a record of my progress in Splinterland as I am trying to run away from a bot land and into a golden promised land. I need a lot of resources and skills to be able to play there.
Weekly progress
It is almost the end of the season, which was quite good for me. I avoided the usual troubles with a Bots in the Bronze league and stayed in silver and slowly moved up. The sad story is that I am not very close but not too far to enter the leaderboard but I do not think I am able to do it.
I do not think I was very lucky with getting new reward cards this season. I have received a total of 3 cards of which one was epic. If anyone knows a good way to receive more cards in Silver I will apply it :)
I also bought and opened a gladius pack. The results we average I think. More importantly, I have a problem with my gladius collection as I am not using the card in my Brawl and I have been thinking about burning them to DEC. I think that my collection should provide around 1k of DEC which is 1/4 of the new Chaos pack and a Bear card, at least for now.
My rent tends to be steady. I am getting around 250 DEC per day but it can fall even to 80.
I am trying to buy cards daily, especially that now I have a few common cards whose rent value is 0.1 and I know that if I can rise their level to 3 or 4 I should be able to rent them for around 0.3 DEC per day.
Next week's plans
I am going to try my best. I know that in the next 25 hours the season will end, so I need to rent enough cards to jump to gold, that way I should have more chance for good loot at the end of the next season.
I also need to work on my start for the next season so I will be able to climb higher than the 350 leaderboard position.