Spiritual Guidance or Selfishness?

in #hive-1230463 years ago

To be spiritual is a good thing but when it becomes misused then I don't it's being spiritual again but something else. This topic spiritual guidance or selfishness has to do with when people claim or hear from a god they serve, to direct them before making a decision, guiding them, or conversing with them. And it’s good to be spiritual and to have its guidance because it helps us have high esteem, have positive relationship with others and also it helps to give our life meanings.

In the case of Christianity, people get angry or complain about God not speaking with them after praying and their dedication to serve him as been good and seamless, while some are naturally blessed, gifted to hear from him or maybe they just have an open mind and heart. So the question is does that don't hear, are they really listening? Or just in a hurry to hear from him without being patient? Because to hear from God we have to be prayerful and patient in silence, understand what we see when praying or what we see when waiting patiently after praying for him to give us something or hear from him.

This topic is related to a real life situation and it’s about an ex-colleague, who’s well dedicated in serving God, and from the way he acts, behaves, and speaks, it tends to show vividly. He takes permission to leave the office before the closing hour just to be in church to meet up with service and looking at him, you will feel like you too need to give your time too to God or that you are going astray by not doing the right thing. Before he resigned after getting better offer somewhere else last year, he started dating a girl around the town who happens to be close to me too. Before they started dating, they were close friends who happens to understand each other because that was the way I saw them like they were compatible.

Looking at them you would think they will get married because they were in their mid-thirties and from the way they act, one could almost say that’s what will definitely happen. Along the line, their relationship was fine all going well, they even celebrated one yea into the relationship and I was hoping for a wedding invitation sooner or later. LOL! After sometime I didn’t hear from any of them but from their status update I could still tell everything was fine and still going well between them.

About 8:45pm yesterday, I got a call from her crying and sobbing, I had to calm her down for her to explain what was going on, she told me that the guy said he doesn’t want her anymore and that God told him that they are not compatible, and if they should get married it won’t work out well for them and all. I was shocked because I didn’t believe that would ever happen because they looked perfect, so what I did was to calm her down for the night so we would talk better in the morning because I was tired and exhausted from work.

Now my question is why now? Didn’t he talk God and ask if she would be the right person for marriage before starting the relationship? Or there’s something more to it? These were the thoughts running through my mind. The next day before calling her, I tried his line but he refused to pick up or reply my messages, then I decided to call her to find out what was the problem. She said ever since he relocated to a new city, the first month was okay and good, communication was normal but suddenly two months later he started behaving strangely, missing calls and not calling back, always busy but she just felt it was the work getting harder by the day.

She even went ahead in saying that she had discussed with him on relocating too to meet him so that distance won’t be a barrier between them that only for him to drop the bomb on her.

According to him in his words he said: I know how you feel and how hurt you are right now, but the truth is that left to me, nothing like this would naturally come out from me towards you. But it's something bigger than me, it's the will of God concerning me and I just have to listen to his leading and guidance. I'm very sad and disturbed too, maybe you don't know though. But it's the truth.

We're still friends and I will be praying for you too that you stay strong and come out of this stronger and find someone better that is God's choice for you according to his divine Providence for you.
You're still my sweet Cherry and I will never do anything at my will to hurt you.
I'm sorry all these are happening this way and quite fast but it's not my making. I'm just trying to obey the will of God that he's showing me.

So now is that really the will of God or he’s just tired? A speculation also coming up is that she once told him he doesn’t like his church and maybe that has changed his mind on her but she was willing to do the needful by pleading for him not to end it but he said his decision his final. Now she’s in tears and doesn’t know what to do, if it’s to move on or not but she has to do, that’s life. My advice to her was to pray about it too; hopefully she gets an answer to what she asks of him.

So what are your take on this, is really the will of God or something else?


Hm he should explain clearly how he came about to hearing this new will. He's the only one who can actually help her and it's only fair that he communicates this thing properly to her and not hide behind all these vague will of God statements

Exactly my point, perhaps he doesn't like distance and can't cope or perhaps someone else is getting his attention. so I the God's will is just a camouflage to get her off so she won't argue

Yea, Ive been there before so I can imagine how confused she must be feeling right now. She prob wishes they even quarreled just so she could have a tangible reason and a way to understand this . She will be fine though

That was her words too she said:

E be like dream, Like is it reasonable at all? I never expected this from him. How will I even accept another guy again?

I just feel for her, she never really saw it coming

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