Caring for your Customers

in #hive-1679225 months ago

Hey fren. I hope you’re having a kicking and productive week. Personally, I feel the hands of time could slow down a little. I think we’re moving too fast, or is it me who is failing to keep up? Anyways, in this article, I want to discuss the obvious - the importance of a good customer service.

Customer Service is one aspect of business that business owners tend to neglect. It is not that they don’t know just how important their customers are, it is that they lack the adequate people management skills required to deal with with customers especially in difficult situations. The importance of good customer service goes without saying, at the end of the day it is usually the one thing that sets companies apart.

I have had experiences where I wish I never attempted to patronize a business due to their anguishing customer services. It is sad to encounter business owners who are mostly just interested in taking your money without caring much about the quality of your experience with their brand. Especially with businesses that are strictly online.

They feel they can get away with anything due to lack of physical contact. Nonetheless, caring about your customers and their needs is part of what guarantees the success of an online business; if anything they need it more. Customers need something to hold on to, an identity when they think of your business and that goes behind branding, packaging, and marketing. At the end of the day, people only tend to remember how you made them feel.

Here are a few things a good customer service could do for you and your customers:

  • Customer Satisfaction: There is nothing more important to a business than satisfied customers. Your business is only as successful as your customers are happy with your service. Taking a solid interest in and addressing their concerns with empathy, and providing personalized services is what guarantees you a return customer.
  • Loyalty and Trust: Gaining the trust and loyalty of a customer is a wonderful business booster. When a customer feels taken care of, they consider themself valuable to the company thereby creating a channel of trust. And when this happens, they are more likely to give positive reviews and referrals.
  • Positive Brand Reputation: A brand’s reputation is heavily dependent on the quality of their customer service and of course their products and services. And thanks to social media, whatever you do has a way of sticking. These days, I find myself researching a brand on X to see what people have to say about then before I go ahead to do business with them.

When it comes to customer service, everyone seems to know the right thing to do but actually applying it doesn’t always pan out as expected. I remember when I was running my fashion retail business, I once had a difficult situation with a customer, one I thought I was handling well until they told me I was and they would never treat a customer the way I treated her. I was stunned.

I had to shift my perspective and view things from her own point and I wasn’t so great in that instance. But, I was able to turn things around because my ultimate concern was her happiness.
Often times we think we know what we are doing but not really. As a business owner, always put yourself in your customers’ shoes for a better perspective and outcome.

Thanks for stopping by. ❤️

Follow me on my blog atyourservice


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