Some of the things that happen in life are most times not in our power to change except from the One who made us. That is why I wonder why some people live and act as if they own themselves, as if they can predict their future and do whatever they please.
I'm always of the opinion that we do right, act right and live right because we don't know what will happen tomorrow. Life to me is more spiritual than physical. Do to others what you want them to do to you or your children.
I don't wish children should partake in the curses of their parents. But this things play out every day. It happens and we all know that. Personally, I think everyone should bear the consequences of whatever actions they took whether good or bad but at the same time, I believe there are higher powers beyond the physical that decide these things without the people involved.
I have always heard things like this right from childhood till now in my everyday life, where people will do bad things and you would hear others say that they pity the children of the person that has done wrong because even if the other person doesn't say or do anything, there is always a repercussion for every of our actions.
I have received favour a lot of times in areas where I should have been stranded and I usually ask myself how come but my Dad usually use to say that He prays that we his children, enjoy the good deeds that he has done. And I use to believe that maybe it's some of the good deeds of my father that I'm enjoying.
To me, it's more spiritual than physical. some things just come back to hunt some people. I had a lecturer who was bent on having carnal knowledge of most of the girls in the department. He tormented a very good number of them and some gave in to his advances because he doesn't only threatened them with failure, he goes ahead to fail anyone who doesn't give in to him.
As the universe will have it, he didn't give birth to any male child, all his children are girls and as at that time, people were already planning what they would do to his girls. I wonder why they don't just take out their revenge on him but they said so he could feel the pains on his innocent children.
it's true that children sometimes get part of their parents blessings but not all the time. The curses are more than the blessings and here in Africa, I think it's worse. This issue of generational curses has eaten deep into the life of innocent children. I really wish everyone would act and do right so that their children will not have to share in their curses rather, if there is anything to share, it would be blessings.
Every adult should bear the consequences of their own actions and not that of some generations you have no idea of their existence. Everyone should also always remember that whatever they do today, either good or bad will come back for their children. This is just how it has been and nothing can change it.
This is my response to Hive Learners community weekly featured content week 147 edition 2.
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Yours Truly @aunty-tosin 💕💕