in #gradnium2 years ago

This week, we has the privilege to watch Dr. Flynn talk about health care. I thought it was interesting that Dr. Flynn said that America spends the most on health care. I also didn't know that Singapore has the best outcomes of their health care system . An example of this is that it would be safer to give birth in Singapore than it is here in America. Singapore's system is the most decentralized, which I had no clue about. In Singapore, Dr. Flynn said that it is cash and carry within the health care system. I can see how this is more beneficial because they don't have a centralized power delegating the health care system. It's kind of like how having a private consulting firm is better than working under a big corporation. For an open heart surgery in Singapore, it costs $18,000 which is significantly less than in the United States. Having high costs in health care in the United States has always been something that I dislike about health care. It is insanely expensive even for the smallest things. One of the reasons why costs are so high is because we have a third party system that pays for the treatments. It's less personal than it would be to have a a local doctor who knows you and actively tries to give a good treatment experience. I have been in the ER before for something small, and the environment is not good. It's so busy and uncomfortable. Of course, the amount of money you have to pay is a lot more than you would expect for the service you were given.

Something Dr. Flynn mentioned, is that we are drifting to a Canadian health care system. This is not good. With the low costs in Singapore, it allows the government to have more money in stock to spend on more things. With our health care system, if we get fired from our job, we might end up losing our health insurance. This is definitely worrisome. In Singapore, you are able to save up enough money to have to take care of you when you age. This is because of mandatory savings for health care while you are young. Also, in Singapore, they show a list of the prices for treatments. This is something that the United States doesn't have and I wish we did have it. This way, it wouldn't be misleading to people. If we knew the prices for treatments, that might motivate people to try to stay healthier.
