in #gradnium2 years ago

I am responding to @allisonmckinney question, "What do you think is the biggest cause for poverty and/or homelessness here in the US?" Personally, I think the biggest cause for poverty is the fact that people are in debt and don't have jobs that can pay for it. My parents have always taught me to be sure to get a job that can cover my debts. For example, my father is a doctor and he had debts from both Baylor University and medical school in Kansas City. He ended up becoming a doctor and so he was able to pay off his debts with his salary. If he had ended up failing medical school, then it would take him a while to pay off his debts. I feel as though many people tend to bite off more than they can chew. I will say, many college expenses are pricey even if you save up money for it. It's easy for people to fall into poverty when you don't have a job that pays well and you have debts as well as bills to pay. The cost of living these days is so expensive. Even as a college student right now, I have witnessed prices for my groceries to rise. I personally don't like having to pay more than what I usually do because it causes me to condense more. Another issue I think that contributes to poverty is medical expenses. In the US, I think corporations do everything they can to make people sick and with this, they are able to jack up medical prices. This way, people are lead into poverty. Another thing that goes along with health is that healthy foods are usually more expensive than processed foods. This explains why a good amount of people who are poor are typically overweight. They don't have much of a choice but to buy unhealthy foods. My aunt went to Baylor as well as my dad, but she ended up majoring in Latin. There are hardly any jobs that are high paying or even any jobs at all with a Latin degree. It is hard for her to make a living and pay all the things she needs to. So in my opinion, the biggest factor of poverty is not making enough for all the expenses. There are other factors that tie into this like I mentioned. It is a sad thing that there are so many people who have to live the way they do.
