in #gradnium2 years ago

This post is a response to @joshweertman "Should we care if the government watches us if we have nothing to hide? Why or why not?" I personally believe that we should care about if the government watches us. I don't have anything to hide, but I am still bothered at the fact that the government can watch us. We shouldn't be able to be watched if we have nothing to hide. I want to be able to have my freedom, but even though I say that, I still use Apple products and other technology platforms that steal my data. In general I just do not think that it is okay for the government to watch what we are doing. By the government watching us, it's almost an infringement on our privacy. The reason why I say almost, is because it's not technically illegal. In the Terms of Service for almost all of the technology I use, it discloses that they can track us and use our data. Since the terms of service is very long, we just skip through without reading it. That is why it is not necessarily an infringement upon our privacy. In all honesty, I think that Big Tech has gotten so big that I don't think we can stop them. If we could stop them, it would take us a very long time. As Americans, we like to have our freedom and our privacy, but at moments that we think are private, they really aren't that way at all. Our phones are always collecting our data even if we turn them off. Sometimes I wish I could experience what it was like to grow up in a time without the technology we have today. I wonder how the government was back then since there wasn't technology for them to collect our data. Did the government still have ways of watching us? Who knows. Once again, I don't think it is right that the government watches us even though we have nothing to hide. I care because I am innocent. I shouldn't have to be watched when I have done nothing wrong.
