in #hive-1787084 months ago


Hello, it is a pleasure to be in this #Arquitecture community again and show you one of the most impressive historical places that my beautiful city of Santiago de Cuba has, it is the Museo del Morro, former military fortress Castillo San Pedro de la Roca, the which is located in the Bay of Santiago de Cuba, since it was built there, with the purpose of defending the city from the constant attacks and assaults of privateers and pirates


Hola, es un placer estar nuevamente en esta comunidad #Arquitecture y mostrar les uno de los lugares históricos más impresionante que tiene mi linda ciudad de Santiago de Cuba, se trata del Museo del Morro antigua fortaleza militar Castillo San Pedro de la Roca, el cual se encuentra ubicado en la Bahía de Santiago de Cuba, ya que fue construido ahí,con el propósito de defender a la ciudad de los constante ataques y asaltos de corsarios y piratas


Recientemente tuve la oportunidad de visitar este histórico lugar, que a pesar de ser restaurado conserva su estructura y diseño original el cual ni los estragos del tiempo lo han podido dañar.
Su impresionante puente de madera, que tiembla bajo tus pies, te hace pensar dos veces, si entras o no, pero sus muros lleno de historias, amor y dolor se vuelven irresistible

I recently had the opportunity to visit this historic place, which despite being restored, preserves its original structure and design which not even the ravages of time have been able to damage.
Its impressive wooden bridge, which trembles under your feet, makes you think twice about whether to enter or not, but its walls full of stories, love and pain become irresistible



Sus escaleras en forma de espiral o de caracol nos traslada en el tiempo, reviviendo cada detalle de su historia,
Esta fortaleza construida con fuertes muros de roca y piedras se convirtió en el escudo de la ciudad y hoy en día es un museo y un lugar turístico donde muchas personas tanto cubanos como extranjeros vienen a beber de la fuentes históricas que emana de su interior

Its spiral or spiral staircases take us back in time, reliving every detail of its history,
This fortress built with strong walls of rock and stones became the shield of the city and today it is a museum and a tourist place where many people, both Cubans and foreigners, come to drink from the historical fountains that emanate from its interior



Entrar al calabozo de la muerte es escalofriante y atemorizante, con sus fuertes rejas y frías paredes te da la sensación de que tu eres el prisionero.
Luego encontramos la iglesia con sus bancos originales de Caoba y torneados y el Cristo crucificado al frente, prácticas religiosas que formaron parte de la transculturación de nuestra nación

Entering the dungeon of death is chilling and frightening, with its strong bars and cold walls it gives you the feeling that you are the prisoner.
Then we found the church with its original Mahogany and tornado benches and the crucified Christ in front, religious practices that were part of the transculturation of our nation

Presentación Catálogo de productos Elegante Dorado_20240607_121515_0000.jpg


En la parte superior del castillo encontramos toda la artillería de hierro fundido,y el depósito de la pólvora y las municiones,las cuales eran trasladadas por un carril de madera hasta los cañones, los cuales se encuentran ubicados de frente al mar, estos eran el principal armamento que utilizaban para defenderse a la distancia de los ataques de corsarios y piratas que saqueaban la ciudad en aquel entonces, hoy son toda una reliquia histórica que junto a la suave brisa que viene del mar Caribe nos revela un sin número de batallas liberadas.

In the upper part of the castle we found all the cast iron artillery, and the gunpowder and ammunition deposit, which were transported by a wooden rail to the cannons, which are located facing the sea, these were the main weapon they used to defend themselves from a distance against the attacks of corsairs and pirates who looted the city at that time, today they are a historical relic that, together with the soft breeze that comes from the Caribbean Sea, reveals countless battles fought.


Y al asomarnos por las murallas que forman parte del balcón del castillo, podemos ver para la parte norte la bahía de Santiago, con todos sus cayos e islas, fieles testigos de la historia que encierra este imponente castillo. Y hacia la parte sur podemos ver el farro el cual alumbra con su luz a los marineros desde hace más de cuatro siglo.

And when we look out over the walls that are part of the castle's balcony, we can see to the north the bay of Santiago, with all its keys and islands, faithful witnesses of the history that this imposing castle contains. And towards the southern part we can see the farro which has illuminated sailors with its light for more than four centuries.


Esta bella construcción con su piso de madera crujiente y sus murallas impenetrables de roca son un libro abierto al mundo, lleno de vivencias y de recuerdos inolvidables que te invito a visitar el día que pases por Santiago y por mi bella ciudad.
Mientras tanto seguiré mostrándole lugares tan interesante como este. Tengan todos un lindo día.
Nota : Todo el contenido es de mi autoridad, si desean profundizar en algún detalle sobre el Castillo del Morro, puede encontrar lo en este

This beautiful construction with its creaking wooden floor and its impenetrable rock walls is a book open to the world, full of experiences and unforgettable memories that I invite you to visit the day you pass through Santiago and my beautiful city.
In the meantime I will continue showing you places as interesting as this. Have a nice day everyone.
Note: All content is my authority, if you want to delve into any details about the Castillo del Morro, you can find it in this

The photos were taking by me with my pnone and editated with

Las fotos fueron tomadas por mi con mi teléfono y editadas en

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this is a very beautiful place. to be able to climb to the top and enjoy the view I'm sure my legs are dizzy😂😂😂 @babyl

Thanks for your nice words.

Beautiful place, very nice photos, I really like the castles and forts that we inherited from the colonial era, a legacy of architecture and history 👍🏽

You are right. Thanks my dear

The story must be fascinating, you got some great shots, love the view of the wall!

Thanks you my dear for your nice words.

It's a beautiful place with a lot of history, I loved them photos, thanks for sharing it 🤗💐

Beautiful, I love that kind of construction. That encounter between history and architecture is great, I congratulate you for sharing it 🌹🌷🌸🪷🪻🌺🌻💐🥀🌼💮☘️

Thanks my dear for your nice words 🌹♥️💞

Grest post @babyl friend, thanos a lot for sharing!

!discovery 30

Thanks @jlinaresp. ♥️🌹💞