Loyangalani, lago Turkana , Kenya del nord.
The term Samburu derives from "Samburr" which is a kind of bag used by members of the tribe.
The Samburu traditionally wear very large and colorful bracelets, earrings, anklets and necklaces, whose colors and size have a specific social meaning.
Around their necks, they also wear the keys of the strongbox, where they keep their most precious possessions.
This elderly woman has just had cataract surgery in Nairobi thanks to Australian doctors. We met her at Rose home, a dear friend of Mauro, in Loyangalani.
Many children came here, there are no so much tourist here (after 2020), and they were curios to interact with us!
Thanks to @mauro-debettio to have taken us to discover this world!
August 2023. Sony Alpha 7iii.