Hello friends, it's being a while and what a good way to be back, starting from the presence of God.
The message was awesome and alot was learnt.
I understood that we as Christians, we have the ability to do good and we must do it totally for all men, especially those in the house of faith, and extend to those outside as well.
Because love is the ultimate bond, the Bible's first commandment is to put upon LOVE.
It is essential to convey one's love. Love for God is the first commandment, and love for our neighbors is the second.
According to the Bible, Christians must first love God with all of their hearts, souls, and might, and then love their neighbors as they love themselves.
I also learnt that we should love our foes and pray for those who would persecute and harm us. Love is a principle that should be shown to everyone.
God's motivation for pressing us to love is to welcome the wicked into his kingdom. Acts of love are the only way to communicate with the bad ones.
God's desire is for all people to be saved. As Christians, we must be able to forgive one another in order to be forgiven.
I discovered that having a kind heart benefits everyone since it makes it simpler to forgive one another.
Our lives must be worthy of God's gospel, as we must be steady in one spirit and soul struggling for God's message.
I discovered that having a kind heart benefits everyone since it makes it simpler to forgive one another.
One of the most fundamental commandments is to be merciful to one another.
When we demonstrate kindness, we are rewarded because we will receive mercy from God.
We must treat others as we would like to be treated. This is the Life's Golden Rule.
Love is unique. It is the love of God that we are all enjoying today so we must always try to be Christ like and show love to one another.
Our love should be shown to both our enemies as the Bible says we should has commanded us to do so