Stem cells are unique cells in the body that doesn't have a particular role but they have the ability to turn into other type of cells, stem cells are self-renewal, they can divide and form an exact copies of themselves where needed, they can also divide and function in different part of the body like the muscles the nerves and the blood cells, there are also multipotent stem cells that are mostly in adults.
Sources of stem cells
There are two major sources of stem cell first is the adult body tissue and secondly is the embryonic cells.
Adult body tissue stem cells abuse in the body all through the person's life and the body uses this cell whenever and wherever there is need for it, adult tissue cells don't have a particular position in the body till there is a call for action in any part of the body and they will come into action
Embryonic stem cells develop around 3 to 5 Days of sperm fertilization which is when the embryo is formed then they'll be a formulation of blastocyst or balls of cells in the womb.
There's also the Mesenchymal stem cells that is used to create some new body tissues in the bone cartilage and fast cells by The scientist and these stem cells are used to solve some health challenges when needed.
There is also induce pluripotency stem cells that are created by the lab scientist with the use of tissues specific cells like the skin cells and they are used to develop therapies.
Types of Stem cell.
There are different categories of stem cell,
There is the pluripotent stem cell that's turned into any other difference cells directly from the embryo.
There is also the Totipotent stem cells that appeared in the zygote and start dividing itself and you can also change into any other cells.
There is also Multipotent that can evolve into a closely related family of cells. It can become red and white blood cells or platelets.
Ther is Oligopotent stem cells that can also change into a few different cell types like adult lymphoid or myeloid stem cells.
Unipotent stem cells only produce cells of one kind, which is only their own type, one good thing is that they can renew themselves.
Uses of stem cells
Stem cells are very useful because it can be used to replace cells damaged by chemotherapy or any disease or it can also serve as a way to build donor's immune system to fight some types of cancer and blood-related diseases, such asneuroblastoma, multiple myeloma, leukemia and lymphoma.
Stem cells can be used to grow new cells in a laboratory for replacement of damaged organs or tissues
Stem cells can also be used correct parts of organs or system that are not working as it should be, Stem cells are usee to research the causes of some genetic defects in cells
Stem cells are also used to test new drugs for safety and effectiveness,it can also be used in getting informations about how diseases occur or why certain cells develop into cancer cells, and what should be done immediately.
Yes stem cells are very useful.
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