I made it into the TOP10 in a tournament! First time I think... And the price is not bad, either - $2,33 or 233 SPS. Another addition to my stack, slowly creeping up towards the 100k.
Okay, I admit, It was a novice league modern format tournament – but still, finishing 9th is not bad at all, considering that I fought 6 times against Tofu – and won most of them, which is rare. But I think I’m finding more strategies to beat that monstruous summoner.
Here are 3 wins against Tofu that stuck out:
Corsair Bosun and Max Pruitt (Click here for battle Link)
The best combination against Tofu is one of my favorite combinations – Max Pruitt and Corsair Bosun. Here, I boost the Corsair’s armor up to 10, so he makes 10 piercing damage with armor strike and 5 piercing damage with his regular attack – and thanks to reflection shield, no thorn damage.
Kulu Mastermind and Merdaali Guardian: (Click here for battle link)
Melee Mayhem is an obvious choice to be playing against Tofu, so I looked for the best team. Using the Kulu Mastermind as tank and the Merdaali Guardian as weaponed trained healer was a good choice.
Tusk the Wide (Click here for battle link)
Now, this one was closer. Another Melee Mayhem. Tusk the Wide is a great and cheap tank, and therefor always a good choice. Using the Mana Warden to give him Shield was key here, since Tusk now had damage reduction on everything – including thorns. That saved the game. Also, I opted for the ranged flying monster at the rear - those few damage point were actually quite important, too.
Nidhogrr incoming! (Click here for battle link)
I even won a battle against Nidhoggr – another very hard-to-beat summoner:
This battle is just brutal. Facing 4 explosion monsters and having no Reflection Shield is quite a challenge – especially since I didn’t know what was coming. Using Agor Longtail and the Night Reaper was key to winning this game, as well as my newest addition to the team – Oshuur Constantia. Also, the Shieldpaw’s heal made a big difference.
What is your winrate against Tofu?
What strategy is your most succesful against Tofu?
Best answer in the comments gets a 233 SPS delegation for one week!
Thank you very much for reading, I hope you enjoyed it at least as much as I enjoyed writing :-D If you have any comments or feedback - please let me know! And don't forget to leave your own posts for me to curate. Thank you very much!
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