Life in the UK has been...tough. In the past, we struggled with dealing with the physical exertions of our job but with that now in the past, the main stress we're dealing with is the general idea of having a job.
For me, at least, the notion of being employed doesn't exactly sit well with me. I'm a diligent guy, I do my job and do it well, from all indications. However, after proper introspection, I've realized that I'm not cut out to be employed.
The main reason we decided to move to the UK was because we wanted a concrete source of income. Income that I intend to build on, rather than spend. So, for the next few years, I intend to save a decent chunk of my income, as I work towards my ultimate goal of exiting the rat race.
My plan is simple really; I'll start a business with the capital I save. Its the only way to get out of the rat race.
I keep thinking about how one can get stuck doing the same job for years. I respect people who do it but it's just not for me.
One thing I will take into my future plans is the work ethic that I've learned from performing my role. Whatever endeavour I delve into, I'll need that work ethic to be successful.
In any case, the point is that I want to go back to feeling like I'm the master of my own destiny. I spent my formative years of adult life living on the edge, taking risks in the crypto market and finding ways to survive.
I intend to go back to being self employed but this time, with a bit more capital and even better work ethics that will enable me to survive. 9-5 jobs are nice and all but you can't get rich or be comfortable until you take a gamble on yourself.