Hey everyone!
I still can't believe how quickly this year has gone!
While summer is definitely my favourite season, I do miss being able to capture the milky way, especially when we have so many clear nights over summer.
This was the second last milky way image I created for the year and was one that I was wanting to capture all year!
I headed down to the coast very late one night to get this, this image was taken at about 12:45am and it was a little nerve wracking being out here by myself.
I was walking into this spot (no real track, and while by myself) I saw some eyes reflecting in my torch, and I could not work out what it was. As I keep walking it scurries off, so my best guess is that it was a wild cat! Definitely scary when I am out there alone, thats for sure!
I was really happy with this shot, and you can actually see a small amount of the milky way to the left!
I still don't know how to use my star tracker quite right, so this image is made up of 25 images stacked for the sky and a single foreground image to reduce noise and get the most detail possible.
I hope you enjoy this image, and if you would like to see some more of my images feel free to follow along!
Thanks for reading!