- Originated in England
- Bred for hunting small animals like hares
- Males grow up to 10 -15 inches(18 -20 pounds) while females grow up to 10 - 13 inches( 15 - 18 pounds)
- Usually friendly.
- Excellent with kids
- Originated in Belgium
- Males grow up to 24 - 26 inches(60 - 80 pounds) Females reach22 - 24 inches(40 - 60 pounds)
- has a muscular build and an athletic physique
- Confident, intelligent and energetic
- Loyal and protective of family
- Excellent with kids
- They're also known for military and police work
- Life expectancy of 12 -15 years
- Originated from Switzerland
- Developed from Swiss mountain dogs and other local breeds for herding
- Gentle ,intelligent and loyal
- Life expectancy of 6 - 8 years
- Originated from Scotland/England
- Bred for herding sheep
- grows up to 19 - 22 inches(30 - 45 pounds)
- Intelligent, energetic, focused
- Loyal and protective of family
- Life expectancy of 12 - 15 years