El pueblo de los enanos
• fuente
Hello friends of the #music community, a big thank you to all the users for the great work done so far, today I want to share a song from my personal composition titled "El pueblo de los enanos", a song that talks about a story to sleep children, at that time several children spent the afternoon in the shelter of a lady, who when it was time to take an afternoon nap, she told us stories and always told the story of the town of dwarfs, a fantasy based on a town on the shores of the sea where I lived from fishing and its inhabitants were dwarfs, she described to us the atmosphere of that town bathed by the radiant sun, with a rusty metal Church, in many places walls of salt were formed, and in the afternoon The dwarves arrived in an old boat, as they got off the boat they danced and sang very happily, it was like a sign that their day of work had gone well in the fishing task, a town without history that was left on a forgotten coast. I always wondered if this story was invented by that loving lady to make us sleep in the afternoons, because I never heard it anywhere else, it has a certain similar action with Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs, but that's what I remember about this story , I wanted to make this magical song, for this occasion I wanted to integrate a harmonica that appeared in the trunk of memories, that sound of the harmonica is incredible to give it a fresh musical atmosphere, I used a drum track that I made with an editing program of audio known as "vegas audio", by having everything the chase integrate the electroacoustic guitar with a pattern of constant notes that repeats, this gives it that hollow and acoustic sound, then integrate the electric guitar with a continuous riff, with a pattern of musical notes in the rock style of the 1990s, I integrated the electric guitar with an arpeggio style that carries a constant harmony, I gave the bass that intensity that accompanies the drums in the rhythm, making ligature patterns in each fall segment of the song, this to maintain the tension in the song, a great joy to have gone through this musical experience with this song, greetings and success always to everyone.
"El pueblo de los enanos"
letra y musica por @betzaelcorvo
Un Pueblo junto al Mar
Los muros son de sal
El techo es de cristal
La Iglesia es de metal
Antaño y vacio quedo
Ciego y sin voz
Todo lo quema el Sol
En la plaza yo estoy
Su historia se perdio
Leyendas de cancion
Las ruinas estan aqui
El tiempo las guardo
Se azoma a lo
lejos un cañon
Un barco viejo llego
La sirena sono
Corren y cantan
Brincan y bailan
Todos van saltando
Alegres son
Corren y cantan
Brincan y bailan
El verano
"The town of the dwarves"
lyrics and music by @betzaelcorvo
A Town by the Sea
The walls are made of salt
The ceiling is glass
The Church is made of metal
Yesterday and empty I remain
Blind and voiceless
The Sun burns everything
I am in the square
His story was lost
song legends
The ruins are here
I save time
He leans on the
far away a canyon
An old ship arrived
The siren sounded
They run and sing
They jump and dance
Everyone is jumping
They are happy
They run and sing
They jump and dance
• faceboock
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