Contest # 95. One of the things that makes me angry. [ESP-ENG]

in #hive-1244522 years ago


Hola queridas damas, estaba un poco ausente de la comunidad y de este concurso que me encanta, pero ya estoy de vuelta para responder la pregunta de esta semana del concurso #95. Aprovecho para invitar a mis amigas @lina1976 y @soyaruska.

Hello dear ladies, I was a little absent from the community and from this contest that I love, but I’m back to answer this week’s question of the #95 contest. I take this opportunity to invite my friends @lina1976 and @soyaruska.

Todos tenemos un punto de ebullición diferente, algunos de nosotros nos enojamos fácilmente, otros tenemos un temperamento muy frío, comparta amablemente una cosa que lo enoja, cuanto tiempo permanece enojado y qué o quién puede pacificarlo.

We all have a different boiling point, some of us get angry easily, some of us have a very cold temper, kindly share one thing that makes you angry, how long you stay angry and what or who can pacify you


Desde muy joven he sido una persona a la que no le gustan los conflictos y cuando se presentaban en aquel entonces con mis hermanos, pues el enojo solo me duraba unos minutos y al rato ya les estaba hablando como si nada hubiera pasado. Así crecí y de la misma manera pasaba con mis amigas, nunca estaba brava mucho tiempo.

Since I was very young I have been a person who does not like conflicts and when they arose at that time with my siblings, the anger only lasted a few minutes and after a while I was already talking to them as if nothing had happened. That’s how I grew up and in the same way it happened with my friends, I was never angry for long.

Con el pasar de los años y la responsabilidades del hogar, los hijos, esposo y trabajo, me he vuelto un poco más intensa y mi personalidad ha cambiado (no en todo), todavía sigo sin ser conflictiva o al menos es lo que yo creo. Pero respeto y defiendo más mis creencia y pensamientos, de ahí vienen los motivos por los que me enojo y que les contaré a continuación.

With the passing of the years and the responsibilities of home, children, husband and work, I have become a little more intense and my personality has changed (not in everything), I am still not conflictive or at least that is what I believe. But I respect and defend my beliefs and thoughts more, that’s where the reasons why I get angry come from and I will tell you about them below.


Soy de las personas que se pone en los zapatos de otras, me gusta pensar en el porqué hacen lo que hacen y de esta manera comprender el porqué de sus acciones, por eso molesta 😡 la injusticia y la desconsideración. Que hayan personas que no puedan sentir empatía por la situación que pueda estar pasando otra, que no puedan ver más allá de sus narices. No puedo creer que existan personas tan necias, que crean que ellos tienen la razón y se va a hacer lo que ellos quieran sin consultar a los demás si están de acuerdo, si pueden o no.

I am one of those people who puts myself in other people’s shoes, I like to think about why they do what they do and in this way understand why they do what they do, that’s why injustice and inconsideration bothers 😡. That there are people who can’t empathize with the situation someone else may be going through, who can’t see beyond their noses. I can’t believe that there are people so foolish, who believe that they are right and they will do what they want without consulting others if they agree, if they can or not.

Esto me molesta mucho porque todos tenemos una realidad diferente y en ocasiones siento que con estas actitudes disponen de mi tiempo y dinero.

This bothers me a lot because we all have a different reality and sometimes I feel that with these attitudes they have my time and money.


Lo que hago para sentirme en paz conmigo misma es dar mi punto de vista y ser sincera. Yo se que no se puede estar diciendo todo lo que se piensa, pero yo trato de decir lo que siento y pienso en el momento, siempre respetando que somos diferentes y aceptando que los demás no tienen porque pensar igual que yo.

What I do to feel at peace with myself is to give my point of view and be honest. I know that you can’t say everything you think, but I try to say what I feel and think at the moment, always respecting that we are different and accepting that others don’t have to think the same way I do.

Una de las cosas que no ha cambiado de mi personalidad es que los enojos no me duran “Nada”. La verdad no puedo estar enojada, para estas cosas tengo muy mala memoria y en ocasiones ya no me acuerdo ni que había pasado. Esto si es algo que me encanta de mí, porque nunca he guardado rencor en mi corazón por algún problema que haya pasado.

One of the things that has not changed in my personality is that my anger does not last “nothing”. The truth is that I can’t be angry, for these things I have a very bad memory and sometimes I don’t even remember what happened. This is something that I love about me, because I have never kept a grudge in my heart for any problem that has happened.

Hasta aquí mi participación de esta semana. Si te enoja lo mismo que a mí, puedes dejarme un comentario si lo deseas.

So much for my participation this week. If you are as angry as I am, you can leave me a comment if you wish.

Gracias por leer y comentar

Thanks for reading and commenting

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All the photographs are my own and edited in the Collage Maker application of my Samsung Galaxy A10 cell phone



Some people are simply inconsiderate of others and I understand why it bothers you, it does the same thing with me :) It's so nice that you do try to always put yourself in another's shoes and understand where they are coming from.

I have a very bad memory and sometimes I don’t even remember what happened.

That's a great way to approach anger so it won't last long :) My brother-in-law is like that, he prefers to forget bad things than dwell on them. He says it's bad for the health and he's absolutely right.

Thank you lots Beysy for sharing your awesome story :)


Hi, your brother in law is absolutely right, it's harmful to health plus for me, being angry is wasting time that you can use being happy (that's how I tell my husband 😂).

Although forgetting is something natural in me, my mom tells me that since I was little I've been like that, I get rid of my anger super fast.

Thank you 🙂 Thank you.

And I guess that's one of the secrets of being happy and healthy :)
It's so nice that you are like that, not holding on to anger and just letting it go. You're admirable :)

I guess so, I don't think a person who lives angry or with a grudge in his soul can be happy.

You're right, someone who lives that way is not really living blissfully.

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I am happy for you sis @beysyd because you are a kind of person that never gets angry easily. That was a great gift. Having no grudges in our heart will give us a peace of mind and for sure you always have it.

Hi, I had to think hard about something that happened in my life and always bothered me and I realized that it really bothered me that people were inconsiderate and played with my time and that every time it happened I had to express my anger.

The tranquility and inner peace can not be exchanged for anything, besides being angry makes you sick and allows us to be happy.


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Muchas gracias 😁

Espero que no siempre tengas esa cara sería de la portada y te alegre el recibir la invitación para compartir una !PIZZA

Hola. Jajaja la verdad no es una cara que repita mucho. Me costó tomar la foto jajaja.

Gracias por el apoyo 😁

Te ves muy simpática con tu cara de disgusto. beysyd

🤣 quiere decir que no se poner cara de brava 🤣🤭


Looking at that profile pic in the your blog tells me you don't stay angry too long @beysyd , you look like someone who is content most of the time. These are the people with your type of personality that one does NOT want to make angry. It takes a lot to push you to that limit, but when you hit it, they better be headed the other way lol. Excellent!!!

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🤣🤣 thank you, yes indeed. I had to think a lot to find something that really made me angry and the one that I would explode, I mean express my anger and this was the one I found because it really bothers me that they play with my time.

It didn't last angry at all. Being angry is a waste of time.

Con el apoyo de la familia.

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