Assume you could acquire a single habit overnight, what would it be and why would you like to have it. How would it impact your life, be of benefit or add value and is there a reason you want that particular habit but don't yet have it?
Some things contribute to the success of a man and one of those things are the habits formed.
I read somewhere that it takes an average of 21 days to build a habit.
However, anytime I try to build a habit, 21 days always looks like a destination that never comes.
So if I was to acquire a habit what habit will that be?
To be sincere, the habit I will want to acquire must have the following potentials
- ability to create more wealth for me
- make me happier
- make me a better person overall
- make me an achiever in all ramifications.
One of my greatest problems in life is procrastination.
I mean there is a lot to do on my desk and I am like I will do them later.
Sometimes, I ask myself why am I pushing it for later when I am not doing anything?
This habit is so bad that it tends to bother me cos I later have to start hurrying to do things at the last minute.
For example, why am I writing this post now, I mean I had the whole of yesterday to do it and yet I did not do it.
This habit is so bad that it ruins a perfectly laid plan.
I have had opportunities that I lost due to the clause of "I will do it later"
I am not trading forex because I was always postponing my start date.
Procrastination has cost me a whole.
So if I was to acquire a new habit, that will be a habit of doing things immediately
Doing things immediately, doing things as it is hot.
The first reason why I would like to develop it is that it will create more time for me.
This time that is being created will keep me relaxed instead of always having to think that I have an unfinished business I have to attend to.
You know this peace of mind comes with finishing the job for the day without having any leftovers.
Another reason why I would love to acquire this habit is the fact that it might unlock some great potential within me.
Also having enough time means more time for family and other extracurricular activities.
Why do I procrastinate a lot?
If I am going, to be honest with myself, it's just pure laziness.
There is no other reason why I procrastinate.
The extra sleep gives me extra stress in the future.
Sincerely, the only reason I can tie to it is just laziness.
It's sad but very true.
Is there any reason why I don't have that habit?
There is no reason.
However, I keep on giving myself excuses upon excuses why I am. not doing something
The truth is if you are looking for so many excuses not to do something, you will get it. The only solution is to look for many reasons to do something.
Being timely is one of the greatest assets any successful man must-have.
Thank you for reading.
Special thanks to @galenkp for giving me something to ponder on before sleeping tonight.
As a matter of fact, the process of doing this post made me do everything I had to do in the hospital immediately before leaving the hospital.
Great topic I must say!!