Manihot esculenta under the microscope 🔬🧠 (En-Es)

in #hive-1963872 years ago
There are many types of starches in nature and despite their diversity they all share a chemical structure, they only differ in size and shape, among the variations that we can find in starch we can mention: ("presence of pores, cavities, channels, amylose, amylopectin among others Perez; Rodriguez, 2012"), this little experiment is to learn about: Manihot esculenta that produces roots rich in starch which makes it a very nutritious food, we can also see how the macromolecules look.🕵️‍♂️🧠

Existen muchos tipos de almidones en la naturaleza y apesar de su diversidad todos comparten una estructura quimica, solo difieren en tamano y forma, entre las varaciones que podemos encontrarnos en el almidon podemos menciona: ("presencia de poros, cavidades, canales, amilosa, amilopectina entre otros Perez; Rodriguez, 2012"), este pequeno experimento es para aprender sobre: Manihot esculenta que produce raices ricas en almidon lo que la hace un alimento bastante nutritivo, ademas podremos como lucen las macromoleculas.🔬🥔

Nutritious food🧠/ Alimento nutritivo🧫🕵️‍♂️

The two main components of starch and despite not being able to see them under the microscope are part of this nutritious macromolecule, these are: (amylose, amylopectin), both have the function of creating a large structure with a "semi-crystalline" appearance, these Grains are a membrane-shaped "bundle" "in parallel glycans" (Huber; Bemiller 2000). Starches are not all the same, they depend on their origin and this gives them a different degree of crystallinity! I would like to clarify that to create this very scientific post I based myself on the scientific article by (Sivoly, Perez and Rodrigues, 2012) therefore a lot of information will have its bibliographical citation to support the image that I obtain from the microscope!🔬🥔🕵️‍♂️
Los dos principales componentes del almidon y apesar de no poderlos ver en el microscopio forman parte de esta nutritiva macromolecula, estos son: (amilosa, amilopectina), ambos tienen la funcion de crear una grande estructura con un aspecto "semi-cristalino", estos granos son una membrana en forma de "paquete" "en glucanos paralelos" (Huber; Bemiller 2000). Los almidones no son todos igual, dependen de su origen y esto le confiere un grado de cristalinidad diferente!, me gustaria aclarar que para crear este post muy cientifico me base en el articulo cientifico de (Sivoly, Perez y Rodrigues, 2012) por tanto mucha informacion tendra su cita bibliografica para soportar la imagen que obtengo del microscopio!🧠🧫🧬

To get the starch in the Manihot esculenta plant we must look at its root whose main component is starch, this plant compound is widely used in various types of industries including food and textiles! Manihot esculenta is quite popular in tropical countries and almost all countries within the tropics consume it in various types of dishes! one of the interesting properties of "root starch is that it expands very rapidly at low temperatures" (Whistler, 1984); The functional diversity of starches is a highly studied topic in botany for all its uses! so that we have an idea in the cosmetics industry a starch with small granules is preferred!🧠🥔🔬
Para conseguir el almidon en la planta de Manihot esculenta debemos buscar en su raiz cuyo principal componente es el almidon, este compuesto vegetal es bastante utilizado en varios tipos de industrias incluyendo la alimentaria y textil! la Manihot esculenta es bastante popular en paises tropicales y casi todos los paises dentro del tropico la consume en varios tipos de platos! una de las propiedades interesante del "almidon de la raiz es que se expande a bajas temperaturas muy rapidamente" (Whistler, 1984); la diversidad funcional de los almidones es un topico muy estudiado en la botanica por todos sus usos! para que tengamos una idea en la industria de cosmetico se prefiere un almidon con granulos pequenos!🥔🔬🧬

Starch extraction🧠/ Extraccion del almidon🧫🕵️‍♂️

In the photo that I attached you can see how the process of extracting the starch from the root was, literally what I did was buy Manihot esculenta, then I used a blade to make a cross section as thin as possible to be able to see the cell structure better! you can try several times this takes a lot of practice! then hydrate the "cell" with water to swell it and finally observe it with the macro and micro objective and thus see all the characteristics! According to the authors who did an experiment similar to mine, they concluded that the size of each macromolecule is estimated at: "5-35 µm".🔬🥔🧬
En la foto que anexo puedes ver como fue el proceso de extraccion del almidon de la raiz, literalmente lo que hice fue comprar Manihot esculenta, luego utilice una hojilla para realizar un corte transversal lo mas fino posible para poder ver la estructura celular mejor! puedes intentar varias veces esto lleva mucha practica! luego hidrate la "celula" con agua para hincharla y por ultimo la observe con el macro y micro objetivo y asi ver todas las caracteristicas! segun los autores que hicieron un experimento parecido al mio concluyero que el tamano de cada macromolecula se estima en: "5-35 µm".🧠🔬🥔🕵️‍♂️

Results🧠/ Resultados🧫🕵️‍♂️

"Among the main characteristics of starches we can say that they are biconvex and spherical in shape, likewise they have a bimodal distribution" (Sivoli, 2005); According to the author, if no pores are observed in the starches, it means that they are of a pure nature and are not damaged, the starch of the Manihot esculenta is of high quality and that is why it is widely used in the industries, an important conclusion of the author on the Manihot esculenta starch is that: "it is a non-Newtonian pseudoplastic fluid, which increases the firmness of the gel with cooling (Silvio; Perez; Rodriguez, 2012)"🧬🧠🧫
"Entre las principales caracteristicas de los almidos podemos decir que son biconvexos y en forma esferica asi mismo tienen una distribucion bimodal" (Sivoli, 2005); segun el autor si no se observan poros en los almidones quiere decir que son de naturaleza pura y no estan danificados, el almidon de la Manihot esculenta es de alta calidad y por eso es bastante usando en las industrias, una importante conclusion del autor sobre el almidon de Manihot esculenta es que: "es un fluido pseudoplástico no-Newtoniano, que incrementa la firmeza del gel con el enfriamiento (Silvio; Perez; Rodriguez, 2012)"🥔🔬

Starch structure (Manihot esculenta)🧠/ Estructura del almidon🧫🕵️‍♂️

What beautiful designs, right? the grains are different from the sweet potato starches I think I once made a post about them in case you want to compare them, these structures are carbohydrates and their function in Manihot esculenta is reserve, the starch grains are not soluble in cold water , the amyloplast despite being from plants does not contain chloroplast and only reserves starch inside, to better understand amyloplasts are derivatives of leucoplasts! and finally they are found in parenchymatic reserve cells, all of this we can see in the photographs!🥔🕵️‍♂️
Que bonitos disenos no? los granos son diferentes a los almidones de la batata creo que en una ocasion hice un post sobre ellos por si los quieres comparar, estas estructuras son glucidos y su funcion en Manihot esculenta es de reserva, los granos de almidon no son solubles en agua fria, el amiloplasto apesar de ser de las plantas no contiene cloroplasto y solo reservan dentro almidon, para entender mejor los amiloplastos son derivados de los leucoplastos! y por ultimo se encuentran en celulas parenquimaticas de reserva todo esto podemos verlo en las fotografias!🧫🧠

In order to highlight and stain the cells completely, use the methylene blue reagent, with which I was able to differentiate the cell wall and thus achieve the effect! well what we see here is a differentiated parenchymal reserve cell, its main characteristics are the starch inside and water, when we put water they expand, that is, we hydrate it and otherwise the heat dries them up and they contract, too much heat breaks the cell.🧫🕵️‍♂️
Para lograr resaltar y tenir las celulas por completo utilice el reactivo de azul de metileno, con el logre diferenciar la pared de la celula y asi lograr el efecto! bien lo que vemos aqui es una celula de reserva diferenciada parenquimatosa, sus principales caracteristas es el almidon dentro y agua, cuando colocamos agua ellas se expanden osea la hidratamos y lo contrario el calor las seca y se contraen, mucho calor rompe la celula.🧠🧫


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Sources / Bibliografias:

Direct citations: "", for this experiment a methodology was used a little similar to the scientific work cited


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