Pombal Castle🚩🚙 / Castillo de Pombal🍍🏰 (En-Es)

in #hive-1637729 months ago
Hello traveling friends! Once again stopping by this excellent community to bring you another visit to one of the most interesting castles in the country and of which there are more than 18 in total! I have the goal of visiting all the castles that exist in Portugal and I have been sharing that experience with this community! I already published the most important ones in the country and now I can't leave aside these secondary ones, many of them have more stories than any other main one in Lisbon! Today we will be walking and learning about Pombal Castle.🚵‍♂️🍍🚙

Hola amigos viajeros! nuevamente pasandome por esta excelente comunidad para traerles otra visita a uno de los castillos mas interesantes del pais y del cual sumo mas de 18 en total! tengo el objetivo de visitar todos los castillos que existen en Portugal y e estado compartiendo esa experiencia con esta comunidad! ya publique los mas importantes del pais y ahora no puedo dejar aun lado estos secundarios que muchos de ellos tienen mas historias que algun otro principal de Lisboa! hoy estaremos paseando y aprendiendo sobre el Castillo de Pombal.🌏🧭📚🌄

Why visit Pombal Castle?🏰🧭/Por que visitar el Castillo de Pombal??🍍🚩


The imposing Pombal Castle can be seen from the city of Pombal and is located at the highest point at almost a hundred meters high. The city of Pombal does not have many interesting things to see but it is worth making a stop at the castle because definitely within its walls if you learn and manage to photograph incredible things! Therefore we could say that if you are traveling on the way to Porto or any area in the north of the country, making a stop here is mandatory, there is parking, it is free! Autumn or summer being the best season to visit, I came in winter and this area is known for its rain. Actually, if you look at the weather, I had to visit it in the rain!🏰🌄📚
El imponente castillo de Pombal se visualiza desde la ciudad de Pombal y se encuentra en el punto mas alto a unos casi cien metros de altura, la ciudad de Pombal no tiene muchas cosas interesantes para ver pero vale la pena hacer una parada en el castillo porque definitivamente entre sus murallas si aprenderas y conseguiras fotografiar cosas increibles! por tanto podriamos decir que si viajas camino a Porto o cualquier zona del norte del pais hacer una parada aqui es obligatorio, hay estacionamiento, es gratis! siendo otoño o verano la mejor temporada para visitarlo yo vine en inverno y esta zona es conocida por sus lluvias en realidad si ves el clima tuve que visitarlo con lluvia!🌏🚙🍍

An unforgettable story🏰🧭/Una historia inolvidable🍍🚩



The castle of Pombal is full of history and for hundreds of years since its conquest in 1064 it was always used by the Portuguese since it belonged to the Modegon defensive which protected the Coimbra area along with these military structures and Portugal does not Born in Lisbon, on the contrary, the first city is Guimãraes, which is also located in the north of the country! After the castle was conquered from the Muslims, the true history of Portugal would begin as several kings would begin to expand towards the south, conquering many lands from the Moors!🚙🌏
El castillo de Pombal esta lleno de historia y es que por cientos de años desde su conquista en 1064 siempre fue utilizado por lo Portugueses ya que pertenecio a la defensiva Modegon la cual protegia junto con estas estructuras militares la zona de Coimbra y es que Portugal no nace en Lisboa por el contrario la primera ciudad es Guimãraes que se encuentra tambien en el norte del pais! luego del castillo ser conquistado a los Musulmanes comenzaria la verdadera historia de Portugal pues varios reyes comenzaria a expandirse hacia el sur conquistando muchas tierras a los Moros!👳‍♂️💂‍♂️💂‍♀️



castle entrance💂‍♀️🚩

Many castles that I visited never fought a single battle, such is the case of Almourol, considered one of the most beautiful castles in the world, however due to the location of Pombal, this was the opposite case, it served to defend the territory many times since the Moorish era. even going through the battles against Castile! It was in a prodigious position that with signals of fire it was able to communicate with the castle further south, that of Tomar, at its time it was the best developed and most fortified castle in Portugal! almost impossible to invade!👀🧭🌏

Muchos castillos que visite nunca libraron una sola batalla tal es el caso de Almourol considerado uno de los castillos mas bonitos del mundo, sin embargo por la localizacion de Pombal este fue el caso contrario sirvio para defender muchas veces el territorio desde la era de los Moros hasta pasando por las batallas contra Castilla! estaba en una posicion prodigiosa que con señales de fuego se alcanzaba a comunicar con el castillo mas al sur el de Tomar, en su epoca fue el castillo mejor evoluido y mas fortificado de Portugal! casi imposible de invadir!😲🚙

Let's learn from the castle🏰🧭/Aprendamos del castillo🍍🚩



The city of Pombal was born exactly with the construction of the Castle or its fortification, although the date is not known for certain, it is estimated that it was in 1156 at that point Pombal was already beginning to look like a fortified city where the majority of its male inhabitants were soldiers! This is a true Templar castle since it was built and reconquered by the Templar order of: Gualdim Pais.🧭🚩🏰
La ciudad de Pombal nace exactamente con la construccion del Castillo o la fortificacion del mismo, aunque la fecha no se sabe a ciencia cierta se estima que fue en el 1156 en ese punto ya Pombal comenzaba a tener aspecto de una ciudad fortificada donde la mayoria de sus habitantes hombres eran soldados! este es un verdadero castillo templario puesto que fue construido y reconquistado por la orden templaria de: Gualdim Pais.🌏🚙🌄

Templar defense with experience🏰🧭/Defensa templaria con experiencia🍍🚩



The Pombal castle does not have that Medieval Portuguese architecture and it is because it suffered many alterations, in reality with the Templar influence is when the castle becomes a defensive machine designed to reduce deaths, not present dead ends and had a high rebound rate of projectiles! Furthermore, the height and design gave it the advantage of being able to use war machines such as catapults positioned in places where it was impossible for the enemy to escape unscathed from a long-distance combat!🏰🏰🧭
El castillo de Pombal no guarda esa arquitectura Portuguesa Medieval y es porque sufrio muchas alteraciones, en realidad con la influencia templaria es cuando el castillo se vuelve una maquina defensiva diseñada para reducir las muertes, no presentar puntos muertos y tenia una alta tasa de rebote de proyectiles! ademas la altura y el diseño le confirio la ventaja de poder usar maquinas de guerras como catapultas posicionadas en sitios que era imposible para el enemigo salir ileso de un combate a larga distancia!💂‍♀️💂‍♂️

from the 1500th century🏰🧭/a partir del siglo 1500🍍🚩




Between the centuries 1319 and 1530 the castle underwent some transformations but when we got closer to the era of discovery the castle stopped being defensively relevant because the country invested more in exploration and conquest! At that point Portugal had no more wars because the last most important one was with Spain in the "crisis war" that would barely last 2 years! Between the 15th and 16th centuries, Manueline style architecture was introduced to the castle and we see it today in its windows!🏰🌄🧭
Entre los siglos 1319 y 1530 el castillo asumio algunas transformaciones pero cuando nos acercamos mas a la era de los descubrimientos el castillo dejo de ser relevante defensivamente porque el pais invertia mas en exploracion y conquista! en ese punto Portugal no tenia mas guerras pues la ultima mas importante fue con España en en la "guerra de la crisis" que apenas duraria 2 años! entre XV y XVI se introdujo al castillo la arquitectura de estilo manuelina y lo vemos hoy en dia en sus ventanas!🚩🌏🚙

From the keep🏰🧭/Desde la torre del homenaje🍍🚩





The most beautiful part of the castle is the famous keep that was added in the 13th century and had that Templar touch! Visiting the castle is quick, it doesn't take an hour and when you are at the top you have a beautiful view, you literally have a 360 degree view of the entire city including the south, which was the area where the Moors lived!🧭🚩
La parte mas bonita del castillo es la famosa torre del homenaje que fue añadida en el siglo XIII y que tuvo ese toque templario! visitar el castillo es rapido no demoras una hora y cuando estas en la cima tienes una hermosa vista literalmente tienes vision de 360 grados de toda la ciudad incluyendo el sur que era el area donde habitaban los Moros!🏰

Five stars for you friend!🏰🧭/Cinco estrellas para ti amigo!🍍🚩





Decorations from various periods💂‍♀️🚩

Whenever I visit a place I usually give it a rating and well with castles I am very demanding since I have seen abandoned castles in Portugal which I find very unpleasant because we are a country that lives off tourism and let these structures that are almost a thousand years old be lost. It is something that cannot be tolerated! However, congratulations to the Pombal municipal chamber for making my experience five stars! I learned a lot and despite the rain it will be something I would recommend to everyone who visits Portugal! The castle is a few kilometers from the highway that takes you to Porto, so if you go from Lisbon to Porto, please visit this medieval beauty!👀🧭🌏

Siempre que visito un lugar acostumbro a darle una valoracion y bueno con los castillos soy muy exigente ya que e visto castillo abandonados en Portugal cosa que me parece muy desagradable porque somos un pais que vive del turismo y dejar perder estas estructuras que tienen casi mil años es algo que no se puede tolerar! sin embargo felicitaciones a la camara municipal de Pombal por hacer mi experiencia cinco estrellas! aprendi muchisimo y apesar de la lluvia sera algo que recomendaria a todos los que visitan Portugal! el castillo esta a pocos kilometros de la autopista que te lleva hacia porto por tanto si vas de lisboa a porto por favor visita esta belleza medieval!😲🚙

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I've visited the Buddha Eden Garden at Pombal, but I missed this castle. I will have a stop there this year to check it out.
You're right, a lot of Portuguese castles, or leftovers...need more attention.

hugs! one of the most beautiful in Portugal


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it's a beautiful castle, i really want to visit, the place looks very natural and classic

Hii!! will be worth!!! ☺️

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