Splinterlands battle formations

in #splinterlands3 years ago


Attention other new #splinterlands players out there. If you're like me the two biggest challenges you may have uncovered so far are... Which elements are best against which other elements, and which cards to I pick and which order to I put them in.

I am still learning these in my first week, however to learn the what cards to play in what order, they say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery... So what I've done so far is battle and take note of my opposition and capture the results for each of the manner levels. When I win I captured my order / cards, when I lost I captured theres. I've done that for quite a few battles now and I've found a rough order that seems to work ok for each of the manner lists (or replaced what I'd previously captured when that formation was beaten...

Manner 12-20 as per below... I'll do the same with 21+ in another post as I need to transpose them from a different document format. As you can see at the lower manner range my majority success came from Thaddius Brood. I found it handy having this list available to quickly scroll to and select my desired formation.

Feedback and assistance to help me learn faster is always welcome and appreciated


Note: I am well aware that for anyone that has purchased cards this will become irrelevant very quickly as their new cards will take-over, however for anyone not spending beyond their $15 spell book initially, and / or to first get into the game they might find it helpful like i did.

On a side note - Thanks for @freeztag for the cool divider image that I added to the top of my post ;)