A Sublime Sunday at King Spa in Dallas, TX

in #hive-1528893 years ago


The King Spa is a Korean sauna house that has a few locations in the United States. We've visited the one in Chicago a few times, but since we are in Texas, we decided to check out the King Spa located in Dallas.

They all seem to run on the same theme and the day was just as enjoyable here as it was in Chicago.

They have separate men's and women's bath/sauna rooms so the first thing you do is remove your shoes (which are not allowed inside) and go to your appropriate room. I couldn't take any pictures of the sauna room because cameras and photography are not allowed there. There are three different hot tubs, one of which is a herbal bath - which includes jasmine, one of my favorites. There is also a cold pool and a fantastic steam sauna. The outer walls are lined with showers and inside the sauna room no clothing is allowed, it's totally a nude experience in here.

The best feature of the sauna room is the total body scrub and massage. You are lying on a ceramic table and sloshed with buckets of warm water. Then you are scrubbed with their special blend of scrub from head to toe, with more warm water rinses. A collagen mask is applied to your face and left on while you are given a thorough massage. Talk about a pampering experience! This is a special occasion only kind of treat.

After your sauna room, you are provided with a shorts/tee shirt uniform to go out and enjoy all the rooms and features of the main building.

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This is the Salt Room. This is from their own description:

This room is made of 350 million-year-old natural salt base rocks. Salt is a natural preservative and the heat and humidity from the sauna allow for the skin to be exposed to the healing properties of the salt. These salt rocks contain minerals such as Natrium(Sodium), Calcium, Iron, and Zinc.

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This room (featuring my bare feet!) is called the HINOKI CYPRESS-WOOD ROOM. Hinoki Cypress is a high quality type of wood used to build temples and shrines and is one of the "Five sacred trees of kiso". The aroma from the wood is said to reduce stress and energize the body. It also promotes circulation and good for the skin, especially helpful for those with dry skin conditions. The instructions outside the room say to cover your arms and legs with the chips and rest for about 20 minutes.

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The Far Infrared Room is supposed to be therapeutic for soft tissue types of healing. They mention improved circulation, healing soft tissue injuries, and rheumatoid arthritis. Since I have issues with my hips aching, I gave this room a try as well.


This is the interior of the Dream Bulgama Sauna. They claim that it's "the world's most innovative method of the heating sauna" and there is a patent on it. They heat elvan stones which are harvested from the bottom of the sea around Korea and contain more than 40 minerals that are beneficial to the human body. When you enter this sauna you don't feel the overpowering heat but after only a few minutes you are covered with perspiration and I could imagine the toxins just pouring from my body!

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The whole interior of the building is focused on relaxation, beautiful decor, and a sense of peace. From a restaurant onsite to a movie theater, and even a waterpark at this location, you will find everything you need to have a true SUBLIME SUNDAY or any other day of the week for that matter!

I've only touched on a few of the rooms, each offering its own kind of benefits. If you ever get an opportunity to indulge in one of these King Spas, I highly recommend it.

All photos were taken by me with my Samsung S21.

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Wonderful post, @blueeyes8960. I love spas. What an amazing place, with all the ancient salt and beautiful art. I'd love to go there sometime. This would make an awesome #marketfriday post too!

You have gorgeous feet, by the way. :-)

It is definitely a great place, both in Chicago and Dallas. And lol on the feet! I could use a pedicure - which by the way they offered that service as well.

Pampered indeed. Making me think about getting pampered too lol! Noice. :D

Posted via pimp.media

You should take your better half as well, it's a great couples' pamper day out!