Dennis descubre la LUZ DE ESPERANZA (ESP - ENG)

in #hive-115120 β€’ 7 months ago


π•Ύπ–†π–‘π–šπ–‰π–”π–˜ 𝖆 𝖙𝖔𝖉𝖆 𝖑𝖆 π–ˆπ–”π–’π–šπ–“π–Žπ–‰π–†π–‰ de ℍ𝕀𝕍𝔼 πŸ€—

❣ ❣ ❣ ‘‘‘ Buenas tardes gentita !!!
Estuve en estos meses realizando un nuevo proyecto personal, pero aΓΊn asΓ­ quiero dar mΓ‘s contenido a la plataforma de HIVE.

Aqui les traigo un nuevo concurso de historias programada por la gran comunidad de HVIE NFT GAME LATINO

Rising Star Now

Sin tΓ­tulo-1.jpg



Sumergidos en una noche de celebraciΓ³n desenfrenada en honor Dennis, reconocido productor musical, a su mΓ‘s reciente triunfo musical: haber ganado un prestigioso premio en un concurso internacional de bandas. La mΓΊsica estridente, las luces parpadeantes y los tragos fluΓ­an sin cesar, alimentando la euforia de la fiesta.

En su afΓ‘n por prolongar la noche de diversiΓ³n, Dennis y un par de acompaΓ±antes se aventuraron a salir en su lujoso Mercedes en las primeras horas de la madrugada. La velocidad y el exceso de alcohol nublaban su juicio mientras recorrΓ­an las calles del Bronx sin medir las consecuencias.

Sin embargo, la fiesta se convirtiΓ³ en tragedia cuando el vehΓ­culo del reconocido productor chocΓ³ violentamente contra un bus interprovincial. Por suerte, los pasajeros del bus salieron ilesos, pero una de las acompaΓ±antes de Dennis resultΓ³ gravemente herida y fue trasladada de urgencia al hospital. Y ahΓ­ no termina el informe, pues se comenta que el exitoso productor musical estuvo inconsciente todo el momento hasta la llegada al hospital por emergencia; en el cual nos informa que estuvo internado hasta la tarde de hoy.

La noticia del accidente y la posterior hospitalizaciΓ³n de Dennis desataron un escΓ‘ndalo mediΓ‘tico y una preocupaciΓ³n generalizada. Se especulaba sobre su estado de salud y sobre las consecuencias legales que enfrentarΓ­a por su imprudencia al volante.


Luego de ver al vacio, teniendo encendido la TV en su delante sentado en su sillΓ³n, Dennis escuchΓ³ el bullicio que se formaba afuera de su casa por algunos medios locales que eran dispersados por un par de policias. Esa noche Dennis se quedΓ³ dormido oyendo los buzones de voz que tenΓ­a su telΓ©fono de casa. Entre los cuales hablaba su abogado que no tenΓ­a nada que responder ante la justicia porque lo habian absuelto gracias a las declaraciones de una de las chicas que estuvo al volante.

Al amanecer no esuchΓ³ a nadie que estuviese haciendo alboroto afuera de su casa. No sabia que hacer, ayer aΓΊn no habia recobrado del todo conciencia, pero hoy todo recordaba hasta el accidente. Todo se venΓ­a abajo para Γ©l pues no veΓ­a nada, se habia quedado ciego de la noche a la maΓ±ana; comenzΓ³ a gritar y romper todo lo que tenΓ­a a su alrededor, estaba lleno de ira hacia si mismo y confundido a la vez. Sin darse cuenta se tropieza con un escalΓ³n de la sala y cae inconsiente nuevamente.


DespertΓ³ de tarde casi anocheciendo y con las fuerzas que le quedaba no viΓ³ otra salida mΓ‘s que acabar con su sufrimiento, no tenΓ­a a nadie ni nada que perder, estaba derrotado. Se decidiΓ³ a buscar la salida e ir una tienda de al lado para comprar lo que hacia falta para acabar con su vida, no podΓ­a soportar mΓ‘s.

Apenas saliendo de la tienda, escuchΓ³ a lo lejos un sonido, no, eran 4 sonidos que provenΓ­an de un solo lugar, algo indescriptible para Dennis pues nunca en su carrera musical se habia quedado tan asombrado por la delicadeza de la armonΓ­a y la letra conmovedora; se fue acordΓ‘ndose poco a poco agarrΓ‘ndose de las paredes y a pasos atarantados. Los escuchaba mΓ‘s cerca hasta casi sentΓ­a que podrΓ­a tocar la melodia abstracta. Danni sorpresivamente se olvidΓ³ de todo en aquel momento y solo quizo la melodΓ­a y seguir el compas de la letra cantada tan deluicadamente.

Luego de terminar comenzΓ³ a aplaudir entre lagrimas, y conversando con aquella banda se diΓ³ con la sorpresa que estos 4 jovenes Γ©ran su alvaciΓ³n y que gracias a la musica de ellos Dennis volviΓ³ " a ver la luz ", la historia de cada uno de ellos fuΓ© motivador para Γ©l pues estos jovenes a pesar de sus precariedades y dificultades no se rindieron y se apoyaron en la musica para dar alegrΓ­a a otras peronas.

Dennis le propuso juntarse con ellos para ayudarlos a catapultar sus carreras musicales, a lo que ellos accedieron y ayudaron a Dennis con su caminar.


Gracias a la amplia red de contacto de Dennis como productor, logrΓ³ tecnificar a los muchachos y mejorar su nivel, ademΓ‘s de regalares un espacio para que puedan desenvolverse musicalmente sin preicupaciones, inclusive lograron postularse a un gran concurso de talentos nacionales.

Danni supo desde aquel momento que la vida le habia dado una segunda oportunidad no para Γ©l solo sino para ayudar a sus projimos y gracias a ello ayudarse a sΓ­ mimsmo.

Juntos, Dennis y el cuarteto de mΓΊsicos forjaron un vΓ­nculo poderoso, basado en la pasiΓ³n por la mΓΊsica y el deseo de superar las adversidades. A medida que trabajaban juntos para alcanzar sus sueΓ±os, encontraron una nueva familia y una nueva razΓ³n para creer en el poder de la mΓΊsica para sanar y transformar vidas.



Les deseo a todos una buena amanecida 🌞 o atardecer 🌝 o anochecer 🌜



Translated with
Imagenes creadas por IA en KREA.AI


ENGLISH version


Immersed in a night of unbridled celebration in honor of Dennis, renowned music producer, for his most recent musical triumph: winning a prestigious award at an international band competition. The raucous music, flashing lights and drinks flowed incessantly, fueling the euphoria of the party.

In their eagerness to prolong the night of fun, Dennis and a couple of companions ventured out in their luxurious Mercedes in the early hours of the morning. Speeding and excessive alcohol clouded their judgment as they cruised the streets of the Bronx without measuring the consequences.

However, the party turned into tragedy when the well-known producer's vehicle violently collided with an interprovincial bus. Luckily, the bus passengers were unharmed, but one of Dennis' companions was seriously injured and was rushed to the hospital. And that's not the end of the report, as it is said that the successful music producer was unconscious all the time until his arrival at the emergency hospital, where we are informed that he was hospitalized until this afternoon.

The news of the accident and Dennis' subsequent hospitalization unleashed a media scandal and widespread concern. There was speculation about his state of health and about the legal consequences he would face for his reckless driving.


After watching the emptiness, having the TV on in front of him sitting on his couch, Dennis listened to the commotion outside his house as some local media was dispersed by a couple of police officers. That night Dennis fell asleep listening to the voicemails on his home phone. Among them was his lawyer who had nothing to answer to justice because he had been acquitted thanks to the statements of one of the girls who had been behind the wheel.

At dawn he didn't hear anyone making a fuss outside his house. He did not know what to do, yesterday he had not yet fully regained consciousness, but today he remembered everything, even the accident. Everything was falling apart for him because he could not see anything, he had become blind overnight; he began to scream and break everything around him, he was full of anger towards himself and confused at the same time. Without realizing it, he stumbled over a step in the living room and fell unconscious again.


He woke up late in the evening and with the strength he had left, he saw no other way out but to end his suffering, he had no one and nothing to lose, he was defeated. He decided to look for the exit and go to a nearby store to buy what he needed to end his life, he could not stand it any longer.

As soon as he left the store, he heard a sound in the distance, no, there were 4 sounds coming from one place, something indescribable for Dennis because never in his musical career had he been so amazed by the delicacy of the harmony and the moving lyrics; he remembered little by little, holding on to the walls and with stumbling steps. He listened to them more closely and even felt he could almost touch the abstract melody. Danni surprisingly forgot everything at that moment and just wanted to follow the melody and the rhythm of the lyrics sung so deliciously.

After finishing, he began to applaud in tears, and talking with that band, he was surprised to find out that these 4 young people were his salvation and that thanks to their music Dennis saw the light again. The story of each one of them was motivating for him because these young people, in spite of their precariousness and difficulties, did not give up and relied on music to give joy to other people.

Dennis proposed to join them to help them catapult their musical careers, to which they agreed and helped Dennis with their journey.


Thanks to Dennis's wide network of contacts as a producer, he was able to technify the boys and improve their level, besides giving them a space so they could develop themselves musically without worries, they even managed to apply to a great national talent contest.

Danni knew from that moment that life had given him a second chance, not for himself, but to help his fellow men and thanks to that, to help himself.

Together, Dennis and the quartet of musicians forged a powerful bond, based on a passion for music and a desire to overcome adversity. As they worked together to achieve their dreams, they found a new family and a new reason to believe in the power of music to heal and transform lives.



I wish you all a good sunrise 🌞 or sunset 🌝 or sunset 🌜 and enjoy your good friend the coffee.

β˜• β˜• β˜• β˜• β˜• β˜• β˜• β˜• β˜• β˜• β˜• β˜• β˜•



Translated with
Images created in KREA.AI

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