It was the winter of 2010. Only thirteen, soon to be fourteen, years have passed since then but it feels like it happened a lifetime ago.
I was driving around the central or northern parts of Istra and I took a few photographs along the way. I recognize some of the stuff in the old photographs I'm presenting in today's post but I only vaguely recall the area in which they were taken.
That's why I can't tell you much here.
I'd better let the pictures talk about the winter of 2010. Believe it or not, shuttered windows ...
... and barren trees can be surprisingly eloquent in the absence of words.
Here you can see the door of an old house in the "Frlan Milana" street. I know the street, I know the number, but I have no idea in what town or village this photograph could have been taken.
This last shot is an exception that proves the rule. I know these reeds very well. They grow by the side of the road, more or less halfway between my hometown and the city of Pula.