Born to Vengeance

in #hive-1707982 years ago


A runaway car came hurtling towards me. "It must be him..." My world blacked out before I could think anything more. The next time I opened my eyes, I found myself on the edge of an ice-made bridge. The ferocious water roared under the bridge, emitting a suffocating stench. "Hi", a hoarse man's voice comes from somewhere. I turned around back and forth, trying to find where it came from, but had no clue. "Drink this, my little girl, drink this and you will be relieved," the sound kept going. The chilling air from the water made me shiver uncontrollably. "Who are you? Where am I?" I shouted with all my strength, but I couldn’t even make a sound. "Drink it... Drink it..." The sound sounded closer this time. A crocodile popped up from the roaring water with a small potion bottle held in its mouth. The water stopped roaring. I felt something had left my body, and before I could control it, my hands reached out for the bottle. I wanted to take it into my hands to take a look at it. As my arms moved, they became heavier, more and more weightless by the second. Soon I collapsed to the ground with the bottle still held in my hand.
"Now that we have gotten the last of you, let's go home…"

I opened my eyes again to find myself back in my bed, my head pounding with pain. I rubbed the back of my neck, hoping that would sooth some of the burning sensation in the area. It didn't work. What is happening?! My thoughts were cut short by a knock on my door. "Bella! You awake?" Came the muffled call from outside of the room. I tried to get out of bed and walk slowly towards the door, but tripped over the blanket that was draped across the floor. "Ow", I cried. I tried again. "Come in."
My mother peeked through the doorway. "Oh, Bella dear. Are you alright?" She looked concerned. "I'm okay," I said. I managed to get up and sit down on the edge of the bed as mom walked over to my side. "Are you sure?"
"Yes. Why? Did something happen?" I asked, slightly confused.
"No, not at all. But you just fell asleep on the sofa yesterday. When I went to fetch you, you had your phone on the coffee table with some weird gibberish message on it."
Immediately my mind started to claw for information, the last thing I remember was holding a potion, and seeing a talking reptile. I looked at my mother and flashed a warm smile at her. "I'm fine mom", I replied giving her a warm big hug. She smiled and hugged me back before leaving my room.
After she left, I immediately dashed into my bathroom, my head was violently spinning, I felt so dizzy that I found it hard to balance my steps. I finally reached my target, the toilet, and immediately I shove my head into it and began to empty my stomach contents into it. Once everything was gone, I leaned against the cool marble wall and slid down until I was sitting on the neatly tiled bathroom floor. My heart raced and I began to breathe heavily. What did mom mean? Was it all a dream?
Once I was done, I began to wash my face using water from the bathroom sink that had a very reflective surface and a mirror above it, I started to wonder about the incident that took place earlier. What happened, how did I make it home?? I couldn't have possibly walked because I was unconscious. "You didn't.." , a thick male voice thundered, I quickly channeled my attention to the entrance of the bathroom but there was no one there. I look around but still, no one was in sight.
"Who is there?", I said panicking and picking up my toothbrush to use it as a weapon. I ran out of the bathroom back into my bedroom to find it empty, my confusion grew further.
After a lengthy search, I returned to my bathroom and resumed cleaning myself up. "You still haven't thanked me.." the thick voice echoed once again, I slowly raised my head steadily and looked into the mirror over the bathroom sink to see my reflection and the face of the talking crocodile I had seen earlier. "Jesus!!", I jerked.. " you are real?!", I asked with the hope that it was all fake. But instead, it began to talk,
" I did save your life, so I am...and you still haven't thanked me".
"Why should I? Who are you anyway?"

"That doesn't matter. The important thing is that you are mine.", he answered sounding like a devil.

"What?!... what's that supposed to mean"

"It means, I own you."

"What!! Why!...what do you want from me?"

"Just give in to me.."

"How can I..?"

"Don't worry, I'll protect you".

"Protect me?"


He then transformed himself into a huge snake and aimed straight at me after echoing the words,"Wakey wakey little princess.." in a horrifying thick voice that shook my heart and the floor beneath me.
I panicked and blacked out.

The next time I open my eyes I'm back on the edge of an ice-made bridge. This time I'm not alone. In front of me laid a snake which immediately transformed into a
boy. His clothes were ripped to shreds and his skin glowed bright red; the color resembled the color of a fresh rose. He stared back at me with piercing green eyes, full of emotion.
"Don't you remember what happened? "


"Well, Bella.. you died..", there was a little pause in this boy's voice. It sounded as if he was having trouble speaking...
"I don't remember dying.." I said, breaking the silence.
"Of course, you don't... You've been reborn."

He came closer and tapped my forehead with his four fingers and suddenly, I fell into a trance-like state, I saw everything... How I got run over by my boyfriend who I had caught cheating. Tears flooded my eyes as I witnessed so many things happening at once that it made my head spin and hurt.

At the end of the whole trance, I began to cry," how could he?" I asked rhetorically.
"It's alright..that's why I'm here. I give life to those who have been wronged,those whose lives were unjustly shortened. To those who seek Vengeance, I grant them peace with life, I am the God of rebirth my food is vengeance, a life for life, a soul for a soul...." He then paused to stare dramatically into my eyes, and just for that brief moment, I felt pain, anger, and death. I wanted revenge..

"Bella...your soul is broken and restless, and your life is dead. I offer you vengeance on a platter of gold. I offer you life to correct your injustice. But for the scales to balance, you must first make a choice." He paused.."Bella, what do you want, life or death?"
For some reason, I felt so light headed, as if gravity was pulling me down. I closed my eyes and said in a trembling tone: "life."

I awoke from the trance with a start, my hands gripped each other tightly while my heart hammered against my rib cage. My vision was blurry, but the familiar smell of bleach and air purifier quickly triggered my memory to the realization that I was in a hospital. The lights were dimmed and only the light from the hallway illuminated my surroundings, the only illumination coming from outside the glass window. I sat up, careful to avoid disturbing the IV drip in my right arm and stretched my limbs as far as possible. Then, as I turned my head to the left, I saw my mother who immediately awoke. She laughed, cried, and then, called out to the doctors and nurses still available, "My daughter is alive ooo!!", she screamed with excitement. "How wonderful!!! Thank you Lord!!"
I smiled sheepishly to myself. The nurses rushed to my bedside with a few medical devices to examine my condition. Mom followed behind them and continued to babble excitedly. "Bella is awake!" They pushed me back on the bed so that one nurse could inspect my wound. As soon as the nurse finished, she handed the machine back to my mother and stood. She then proceeded to check my temperature with the thermometer, asking a few questions, then finally checked my blood pressure and other vital statistics. After that, she took the vitals. As she looked at my blood pressure, her brow creased, "everything looks fine".she said a bit confused. She grabbed another set of medical equipment, a bag with different types of instruments, and placed it on my lap. I looked down and noticed that they were different tubes connected to a bunch of various bags and needles, I lifted one up to read it, but I couldn't understand what it said. "This won't hurt, will it?" I questioned. The nurse shook her head, "no, it's just to help you relax. We need to take some more blood samples, but we're going to let you rest now." She then left the room, closing the door behind her.
Mom sat down on the chair next to my bed with a cheerful smile and held my hand until dawn.

The next morning, the police showed up at the hospital, they asked me some questions about the accident and I told them all that happened. They immediately put out an arrest order for my cheating boyfriend.
Few weeks later, after checking my vitals and doing some additional tests, the hospital finally released me. My mom was waiting for me by the elevator, we rode it down together to get out of the building. Once we were outside, we went straight for my mom's car which had been parked just down the street. I opened the door, took my usual shotgun position, and enjoyed the refreshing ride home looking into the side mirror more than often until I saw my reflection and that of the boy god. He smiled and echoed in a deep and menacing voice, "Vengeance begins.."


A great stage has been setup in this story. I think it deserves a sequel to explore some of the embedded storylines.

Whoa! What a mind boggling story @bornben. I couldn't help but be curious at her plans for revenge now. Ahahaha! Keep up the good work!

What an unusual story, @bornben. You've populated it with strange characters, visions, and dreams. It is certainly interesting and entertaining to read!

Thank you for sharing your story in The Ink Well, and for reading and commenting on the work of other community members.

This is such a mysterious story, @bornben. It had my head spinning. What was the gibberish on her phone? Why was she allowed to go back home to her house before she ended up back on the ice bridge? So many questions I would love to have answered. It reminds me of going to the movies with my husband when I have to have him explain things to me!

Anyway, the thing that was clear was that she got the chance to choose life, so she got to recover in the hospital, and now she's out for revenge against the cheating, violent boyfriend who ran her down with his car!

Oops sorry about that...but she never went home, it's more like a spiritual journey to help her understand that she died..I just couldn't find the right words to use 🙏🏾.. it took me four days but still I couldn't spell it out without giving much away😭...
Thanks @jayna for the feedback.. I'll do better🥰💕