The Gift of Christmas

in #hive-1707982 years ago


It was Christmas and snow filled the city. The sky above was a deep shade of navy blue, with no clouds in sight. The whole family had gathered at grandma's house for Christmas. It's usually something that happens once every four years. And just like always there was going to be a Christmas party.
Though the family gathering always had so much fun embedded in it, my favorite part of it was the party, because it brought a lot of dancing, eating and most of all, Christmas gifts.
Mom and Dad were usually in charge of the gifts while uncle Benjamin was in charge of the party planning. But this year, they decided to do things differently. Mom and Dad were in charge of planning the party while Uncle Ben took charge of acquiring gifts for the family.
Once I heard the news, I was very excited. Because, uncle Ben and I were very close, just like brothers. And because it was my opportunity to get a bicycle.
Ever since the beginning of the year, I have been asking mom and Dad to get me a bicycle because all the cool kids in my class had one but they always waved me off, telling me that I am not ready. But this time it's going to be different because I have Uncle Ben on my side.
Two days before Christmas Uncle Ben had taken me and my siblings out shopping, to get our Christmas clothes and other party items. I knew it was my only opportunity to place the idea of me having a bicycle into Uncle Ben's mind. So I slowly began to plant the idea into his head. I began by telling him a long story about how easy it would have been for Santa Claus to deliver presents to children if he had a bicycle. Uncle Ben didn't believe me at first but then, when I said it again, he finally started thinking about it. And I knew it worked! Because we didn't just walk into a bicycle store, we returned with a brand-new bicycle.
After our return from the store, time just seemed to run more slowly than usual. I spent the rest of the slow day thinking about the bicycle and all the adventures I would have with it. Even the cool kids at school will respect me and maybe, just maybe I may get a girlfriend.
The simple thought of what could be filled my mind, that for the next twenty-four hours before Christmas I was trapped in my mind, and I was happy, until after the Christmas Eve family dinner.
After everyone had taken dinner, we all went to bed in preparation for the Christmas celebration the next day. I slept in the same room as my younger brother Junior who was at that time sleeping peacefully. I tried to fall asleep but the joy of owning a bicycle the next day filled my body with so many hormones that I couldn't sleep. I wanted a last peek at the bicycle, just one calming glance and maybe, just maybe I'll be fine. So, I jumped out of my bed with a new mission in mind. I quitely Walked down the stairs and into the living room which was dimly lit. I saw the Christmas tree with my presents underneath, waiting for me to open it and see what was inside. I smiled at the sight of a big red bow tied neatly on the tree. It made me smile thinking how much effort this all took when I opened them every year.
I searched for the bicycle which I knew was meant to be next to the tree but it wasn't. So I searched further until I found it in the store room not far from the living room. Joy filled my heart once again. I drowned myself in the beauty of the bicycle. Its metal body left me with goosebumps on just one touch, its perfectly leathered seat, shiny spokes, and rubber wheels, it had a white cross on the back with the word 'Pegasus' printed on it. I couldn't stop smiling at it. I looked so happy standing here admiring my new ride until I saw something that left me feeling very uneasy.
Just like every present, I had encountered that night, the bicycle had a name tag. But it wasn't my name that was written on it, it was Junior, my younger brother.
Dazed and confused at this new reality, my happiness evolved to rage and anger. The feeling of betrayal blocked every possible sense of proper reasoning. Paralyzed with unbelief, I sat on the cold floor, the chilling sensation reinforced my anger and fear. My fear of losing what I love the most, my bicycle.
I immediately began to think of ways to stop this betrayal from my uncle Ben. I couldn't change the tag because the bicycle was huge and he would know who he bought the huge gift for. After a moment of contemplating, I decided to sabotage the present. If I can't have it then nobody should.
I ran into the kitchen and returned with a sharp knife which I used to puncture both tires of the bicycle, but I wasn't satisfied yet. so I broke spoke of the wheel, disfigured the leather sit, and its neatly color-coated metal body. In the end, I was satisfied with the result.
That night, I was happy and an evil smile ran up my face. And I slept peacefully, Knowing that I had thwarted a betrayal.

The next morning, I woke up to a scream from downstairs. And just like everyone in the house, I ran downstairs to see for myself. On reaching the living room, I found Junior, mother, and uncle Ben. Their faces were heavy with anger, except for Junior who was still stuck in tears.
"Emeka what happened to this bicycle", mother asked angrily.
"I don't know oo", I said, in the most innocent manner possible.

"Look at your brother, he is heartbroken. Did you know how much of his lunch money he had saved up just to get you that gift? Do you?", Uncle Ben barked in anger.

"Wait, this was my bicycle?!", I uttered in shock.

Before I could get a reply, I got a thunderous slap from my father who didn't find what I did funny at all. That day I took a beating like no other.
It turned out uncle Ben wanted to shake things up a little by having the buyers of each present put their name on each package, instead of the receiver's name. And I was so busy with my elaborate scheme that I didn't notice. That Christmas, I received no present and was forever placed on the naughty list.


dear friend Marry Christmas.good luck in new year.

Thanks @ahleap...and seasons greetings to you too. 🎅🎄💕

The naughty list, that’s very funny. Kids can be so vindictive at times, and your story really highlights this pretty well. Cute story with a satisfying conclusion.

Thank you for sharing your story with us on The Ink Well and be sure to support other writers in the community.

Thanks @theinkwell ... Seasons greetings from this side of planet earth 🎅💯🎄