People that are crying. They have one thing in common with people that are sorrowful. The most sad someone is the more dark is Mine become, and the more less inspirational he becomes. All the things together, they all comes back to being backward in life and in destiny.
People who are joyful, on the other hand, they are the most innovative. They easily get things done. A happy mind makes the soul merry. When the soul is merry, you can think Straight and think right. You can actually come up with an ingenious idea, someone who is happy, though there has been so many people who have said it.
Over and over again that the more sad you are, the more deeper your thoughts and the more creative that you become. But On the contrary, the more deeper your thoughts and sad you become, the more you sink into depression and the harder it is for you to come out of it.
So what is the essence of being creative in a dark mind, in a depressive? And so you create the most beautiful things in the world and you are still inside depression.
So why the people of the world are celebrating you? The person is sinking down. So in comparison with being happy and creating an ingenious idea at all time and having a merry go round character and ideology. You will surely be at the top of your life and you will be coming up with something creative at every point in time in life. Isn’t that the most amazing things that you can ever think of?