Interview With a Battlemage | Magi Necrosi Splinterlands Weekly Challenge

in #splinterlands2 years ago


Today, I have the privilege of interviewing a Magi Necrosi. They are bounty hunters who largely operate from the shadows, so getting the chance to interview one is an honor (and quite terrifying). Let's get into it.

Interviewer: Hello Mr... ahem, what should I call you?
Magi Necrosi (through muffled voice): I do not have a name, for I do not have a face. I am a shadow. The only light I have is that which courses through my veins and that which I unleash on my foes.


Interviewer: Yep, thought so. Ok then. Tell us about you. Where do you come from? How did you get to where you are today?
Magi Necrosi: I was born of ancient powers locked inside magical tomes of old. Acolytes summoned me to fight the spawn of Chaos, and so I fight.

Interviewer: Ah! So you're a good guy?
Magi Necrosi: I fight Chaos. I do not know good or evil, all I know is that my target must be extinguished.

Interviewer: Right, but your targets are part of the Chaos Legion, so that makes you good.
Magi Necrosi: Today I target the Chaos. Tomorrow maybe I target you. Am I good then?

Interviewer: Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves. I would make a very unworthy target... Let's change the subject. Other than fighting, what is it that you like to do?
Magi Necrosi: I study. The magic coursing through my veins is painful, and I must understand it to better channel it. When I am not fighting, I am reading.


Interviewer: Delightful. Anything you like to do for fun?
Magi Necrosi: I... have a cat.

Interviewer: Aha! Wonderful! Tell us about your cat!
Magi Necrosi: He is my companion. He follows me where I go. He is my shadow, and cannot be heard or seen. He aids in my quests, and shares my pain and my fears. He is... fluffy.


Interviewer: What's his name.
Magi Necrosi: Silence.

Interviewer: Well that's rude.
Magi Necrosi: Silence is a rude name?

Interviewer: No, it's... What? Oh, his name is "Silence". Of course it is. You said he shares your fears. Are there monsters that you fear?
Magi Necrosi: I do not fear monsters. I fear what I must do to them.


Interviewer: Glad I'm not a monster! Tell us about a battle you were in recently.
Magi Necrosi: Ah yes, a battle. I will tell you of one which was uncanny, where the powers coursing through my veins shown ever more. A rat sat just ahead of me...

Interviewer: Did you say a rat??
Magi Necrosi: ...Yes, a rat. A strange creature, who would give his powers whenever he dies. Thrice the rat perished, and in so doing he gave me powers unlike any I have felt before. My magic unleashed, I tore down my enemies. Unfortunately, I was seen too soon, and taken down by a horrible large-tounged lurker. 'Twas unfortunate, but it left a taste for power in my mouth that I shall not forget.

Battle link:

Interviewer: Wow, what a thrill! I suspect this isn't the last time you'll hear of this rat...*
Magi Necrosi: Indeed.

Interviewer: Well, we're almost at the end. Could you stick around for a few glamour shots?*
Magi Necrosi: I don't know this "Glamour shot" you speak of, but I will oblige.



Check out past interviews:


Wonderful images and story! Keep up the great work!

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A great interview with excellent images. Congratulations.

Thanks for sharing! - @azircon

awesome @bravetofu

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Dude! The Magi, the cat and a rat!

I way you morphed the battle into the interview is divine!!

You are outstanding!