Another day gone, another day closer to the bull market.

in #mancave9 days ago

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So things have been relatively quiet on the BRO front as of late. Things are quietly ticking over as everyone lays in wait for the bull market ahead. I'm hearing some people say in my community that this upcoming crazy time is cooked and the money that once came in is there no more.

I think differently of course. I think we're about to have the craziest bull market there ever was up ahead. Those guys that bought in over the last two years are going to want to make their profit -- but not before they shake you out.

I'm of a heavy mind there's been quite a lot of manipulation and suppression going on over the last year so prices that should have been aren't quite there yet, but I expect they will come. I hear from some people that the bottom isn't even in yet. More pain.

But again, it's all the same thing. We've heard every year up to a bull market that China was going to be banning Bitcoin, and they've used it at least 5 times already. Not to mention Kamala if she were to win is going to take a heavy hand with cryptocurrencies.

But that won't happen. The Saudi's have already hinted at selling their oil in favour of cryptocurrency, China is talking about a Bitcoin backed Yen, and there's so much happening economically outside of the USA they better pull their pants up or be left behind.

We're in for a bull this cycle. And not a normal bull, a giganotosaurus bull that will knock all of our socks off, I can feel it in my bones. The writing is literally on the wall for what's about to happen.

Listen, if we can get through global lockdowns, record inflation, and STILL have a bull market? I'm absolutely sure this will be the same next time around. As soon as someone sits down on that presidency seat it'll be off to the races like we've never been before. Crypto needs to top that expected 100,000k this year and that's a lot of extra moular into our trade.

So if you held out this season despite the whinging and the complaining and the moaning, I think we're going to be on a fast train to awesomeness. That's just my opinion though, I'm no chart reader, but sometimes I think those guys can't see the forest because of the trees.


I'm not holding my breath for this market anymore. It is whatever it is.

So many folks have lost confidence.
Most of them still holding are holding because there's nothing left to do.

I'm just waiting though. The bull is coming... When? No one knows...

I'd like a ticket on the fast train to awesomeness! 🚞

We'll see what happens.