Have you thought about the unsung heroes? The people who no one talks about simply because they’re good at their job? The people who do so well that the big guns are never needed to solve anything. And these people, we all know them. They are all around us and we come across them all the time in our daily lives.
One of the reasons action movies and superheroes are so popular is because they usually have to save the world from some threat. Yeah, to make for more suspense and drama, they make the problem as bad as it can probably get and then keep the solving to the very last moment. These guys are seen as heroes and praised. But they only come when there’s trouble. However, everyone forgets the people who prevent such trouble from ever taking place in the first place.
These are people like you and me, those of us who choose to be competent at our jobs and just do what we have to do to survive. We have principles and stick to them, we’re law-abiding citizens and do our jobs to the very best of our ability. If I, as a police officer or a soldier, do my job right, then things won’t get so bad that they would have to send in the Special Forces to clean it up. If I did my job well in my company, they wouldn’t have to bring in some experts from the headquarters who would make things right. And as long as I’m doing my job and preventing crises, no one notices me even though what I’m doing is important.
However, everyone notices the man who saves them from trouble, not the man who has been working night and day to prevent it. And that’s just real life for you. We all know the normal thing, but normal is boring. That’s why many of us prefer anything that tends to go against the norms of everything we know.
We follow celebrities who seem to kick against the system, even though said celebrities have major character issues of their own. We’re blind fans and would not allow anyone to say anything negative about our idols because we just choose not to believe they’re capable of such. However, the ones who are actually doing good and being themselves are getting less attention. This is the reason why so many people do things for clout, because they know that such attention though fleeting can change a lot of things for them.
People can willingly cause chaos for themselves, and with a good PR team, turn it into a goldmine and be the hero of their own story. Without calling names, there are so many influencers and celebrities we wouldn’t know their names if they didn’t have their sex tape leaked. There are genuine victims who have them genuinely leaked, and there are those who use it as a way to boost their fame by leaking it themselves. That way, they decide how the narrative goes and still come out on top.
Not just with this. There are celebrities who try to climb to the top by stepping on the backs of other celebrities. Just a few months in and they’ll be throwing shades at everyone around them. Does it work? Yeah! Because it’s through that beef that you’ll get to know about them, and you might even follow their social media handles. If handled well, this can catapult them into long-lasting fame.
Why am I saying all this? Trouble and chaos thrive in attention! That’s why it seems you only see the real heroes when trouble comes. No one cares about the good people who want to become famous just by doing their thing and growing their audience organically, but those who choose the disruptive way… yeah! Even though they do things we believe we’d never do, we’ll give them all our attention! We follow them and boot their audience base. Because they are more interesting!
It’s not fair but even history attests to it. The only bits and pieces we have of history are wars, diseases, and kings always trying to kill each other. The most powerful kings based on history are those who conquered more land and killed the most people. What do we know about the kings who didn’t go to war? The kings who only experienced true peace during their time on the throne? The kings brought nothing but prosperity and fortune to their people. These were kings doing their jobs but we don’t have a lot of them, do we? Because that’s boring!
People would rather read about a thousand people getting killed than read about a thousand malnourished children being fed by the government. This is not good or bad, it’s just there. Another one of those things Mother Nature has left us with.
So, dear friends, I don’t know if this write-up has touched you in any way, I hope it does. It was born of a thought that crossed my mind and I just needed to share it with you. For those of us who live normal lives, we try our best to submit our quota to society to keep it running smoothly and by doing things the right way. We’re the real heroes.
We’re the reason society keeps from collapsing from itself and without us, even the heroes who come when there’s trouble will be out of a job. So let’s keep it up. We’re all doing great!